Select Flutter Over Native Application Development

Select Flutter Over Native Application Development

Many businesses seek cross-platform apps because native apps designed for Android and iOS are more costly to build and maintain. Cross-platform app development is more accessible than native and is essential for business. Flutter's cross-platform framework has been gaining popularity across various sectors, including the fintech and retail industries.

The Native Application Development process and the  Flutter app development are both scalable and provide high satisfaction to users. Flutter speeds up the process of building your app. Flutter has fewer developers to work with and requires less time.

There are numerous operating systems available in the digital realm. Business owners who wish their mobile apps to reach more people will usually release the app simultaneously on several mobile platforms.

While it may sound easy, the reality is that its Native Application is a lot more challenging to accomplish. Developers must create applications from scratch for various platforms with different techniques and software. Mobile app development for multi-platform platforms requires more time, is costly, and requires highly skilled developers. It can be an issue, especially for small-sized businesses. This can be a problem for small-sized enterprises. Multi-platform app development is an excellent solution.

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What is Flutter?

The creation of apps back in time when Objective C/Swift or Java/Kotlin were the primary languages used to program mobile devices was expensive. The requirement was to develop two applications. It meant that you would have completed the task two times.

The issue has been addressed through a variety of frameworks that permit the cross-platform application development that are written in HTML5 as well as Javascript. Flutter is one of them. Flutter framework is among the most well-known cross-platform toolkits. It is used by entrepreneurs, designers, business, users, and even businesses.

Flutter is a mobile UI framework that allows developers to develop native-like applications for desktops, mobiles, and the web. It can be utilized from only one source code base. It's based on the Dart programming language and includes Cupertino and Design widgets. Flutter Application developers can create excellent UI that looks and feels like native. The application works across every platform, no matter the codebase you are using.

Flutter is the sole framework with an SDK for mobile devices without a Javascript bridge for Native Application . This allows it to deliver the most responsive user interface compared to its closest rival, React Native. It seamlessly integrates with Android, IOS, Linux, Windows, and Google Fuchsia applications.

Flutter can be used to make many of the most popular applications.

  • Google Ads

  • Tencent

  • Alibaba

  • eBay

  • Hamilton

  • Philips HUE

Read Also: Flutter Mobile Apps Built Using the Flutter Framework

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Flutter for Native Application Development

Flutter is the most popular cross-platform software that is requested on Stack Overflow. This is because it utilizes the same base code. It is easier to manage because the artifacts have been centralized, and there are no redundant processes or modifications for the same bugs on all platforms. It's easier to manage and support since there aren't Native Application developers.

Each app has distinct advantages and disadvantages that could aid or hinder mobile app development solutions. Flutter has many advantages that remain attractive to developers as well as owners of apps.


Easy Updates with Hot Reload

Hot reload is a feature Flutter developers are the most fond of. It allows for rapid changes to the app while it's running. Changes to your app's program can be implemented immediately when it's reloaded. These changes are visible in a matter of just a few seconds. 

Also, you can correct bugs or issues in the application quickly. Hot Reload is an ideal method to bring developers and designers together. It is a quick way to experiment with your ideas to enhance your UI's appearance and experience while the changes will be immediately apparent on the screen. This allows you to select the most appropriate solution for Native Application.

One Codebase

There is no need to write code compatible only with iOS and Android. Code reuse in Flutter allows the creation of a single source code compatible with mobile Android and iOS and desktop, web, and different platforms. This speeds up development, reduces the cost of development, and lets you begin your application faster.

Also Read: Future Of Flutter App Development

Future-Ready with Fuchsia Support

Google might be developing Fuchsia, an operating system that may eventually take over Android. While there isn't much information about the development, you can be sure that Flutter is entirely Fuchsia-ready, and it will allow you to launch your Fuchsia application as soon as it goes live.

This is a considerable advantage as other applications evolve and evolve.


Programming languages face the difficult task of bringing common standards together. The different versions of programming languages also vary in the way they function. The differences could be complicated for many programmers. Dart was created to develop user-friendlyNative Application. It was designed to be optimized for the creation of user interfaces.

The benefits of this language

  • There are no standards that could be evaluated.

  • There's no imposing of software tools for languages with which users' communities do not agree.

  • Various styles can be paired, but they don't have to match.

  • In the end, there is no need for an additional tool to compete with your existing capabilities and tools.

Dart's syntax is straightforward and effective. It lets you build an evident architecture for your Native Application. It's easy for people who have used popular programming languages like Java, C#, and TypeScript to change to Dart.

Increased Accessibility

Flutter has many choices for making your app more user-friendly and accessible for disabled users. Flutter works with screen readers and lets you implement adequate contrast and verify the accuracy. The font size for UI components is in line with the OS setting. It ensures that those handicapped have access to every function.

Moreover, Flutter simplifies internationalization, i.e., Flutter makes it easy to prepare your app for different languages and regions. Flutter is easy to automate and integrate in the process of development. Its SDK is compatible with many currencies as well as other regional demands.

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Delayed Functionality Introduction

The most recent Android and iOS system updates will be released in the SDKs native to them as quickly as possible. This new functionality will be made available to Flutter after a time. This is typical of cross-platform and hybrid frameworks. This is one of the disadvantages of Flutter application development, but it can be removed. Flutter allows developers to integrate native code directly into the application and to implement all features that are not present.

Getting the Platform-Specific Look and Feel

Flutter is an excellent tool for creating high-performance iOS and Android application development with a single source code base for Native Application. However, finding each platform's best design and layout can be challenging.

It is possible to develop two applications if your app must adhere to the Material Design principles for Android devices and the Apple Design System for iOS.

Flutter Is a Young Technology

Though this is an excellent factor since it offers an edge in the market and gives advantages, the framework may develop in a way that is different from what we expect. Flutter is likely to be included within Google's new OS. Google has endorsed Flutter.

Large File Sizes

Its size for files is another negative. The Flutter applications are heavier and require a more extended loading period. The result is that users suffer from a negative experience, which could indicate low performance.

Read about: Best Flutter App Development Company

What is Native Application Development?

Native mobile application development is the process of creating applications specifically designed for the operating systems of mobile devices. App developers use Objective-C and Swift programming languages while creating the iOS app. For Android development, you'll have to utilize these programming languages: Java and Kotlin.

Mobile App developers can access Apple and Google's tools for development, including interface elements and SDK. Mobile app development native to mobile devices is a trendy option for firms due to the numerous advantages over other applications, such as Hybrid or Web.

App developers may choose to utilize Swift and C+ to develop a mobile application for iOS.

Android app development, however, needs Java and the Kotlin programming language. To initially launch, native apps do not require support from any other browser.

Native apps are independent as their information is stored in the cloud or the device's memory.


Secure and Reliable

Web-based apps rely on various browsers and technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5. Because of the non-standard nature, it is likely to create more significant performance gaps with web-based apps.

Native apps provide better security as well as performance enhancements.

The companies can also use native mobile apps to benefit from mobile device management tools. They allow remote control of specific apps and wipe information from devices.

An app that is native to smartphones is an excellent alternative for those who want to have secured data protection.

Also Read: Choose flutter App Development Company for Your Business

More Interactive and Intuitive

Native mobile applications are more accessible to users than web-based apps. Native apps can inherit the OS design of their devices and appear as an integral component of the OS. Native applications provide a superior user experience. It's one of its most significant advantages.

Native Applications are created to work with specific operating systems. They enhance the experience for users of a particular operating system.

Due to the UI standards specific to every platform, the application's flow is more fluid. Users can learn the application and carry out diverse actions with ease.

Great UI/UX

One operating system can be a great choice when creating an application. There are many advantages to this regarding UX and UI. The dimensions and resolution of images will be kept the same to accommodate the specifications of your device. There's no need to consider this.

Native apps are much more user-friendly from a standpoint than a cross-platform web application. Since it adheres to the established standards for design, native apps are simple to understand and experience. They're an extension of the North Star and feature OS-specific features.

The most significant benefit of the user-friendly and intuitive layout is the ease of use. Users can look for menus or find out how to reach assistance.

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Optimum Performance

Native mobile applications are quick as well as powerful and offer excellent performance. They can be programmed with any platform's core programming languages and APIs. The apps that are specific to platforms increase the performance of the processor. They also offer shorter load times that ensure top-quality performance.

Fewer Bugs

It's more challenging to keep two applications within one codebase than managing two in two. Native apps are much less likely to suffer from problems because they don't depend on cross-platform tools such as Cordova or Xamarin.

Hybrid apps can connect with hardware using bridges. This could slow the process of building apps and cause a negative user experience. The issue can be experienced if Android and iOS versions are launched.

Native app developers can access the latest SDK (Software Development Kits),which lets them begin developing applications incorporating the latest capabilities. Native app developers access the newest platform features after their OS is updated.

Access to Complete Device Features

Native applications are explicitly developed for specific platforms and use features offered by the OS.

They allow you to connect your devices, like cameras, microphones, and GPS, directly. Additionally, they are faster within the application, resulting in an improved user experience.

Push notifications provide another advantage for mobile apps that are developed natively. They're sent to the iOS server's APN (iOS server). It is necessary to have your app bundle ID to access the app bundle ID like GCM (Google Cloud Messaging).

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Native applications are complicated and require the use of a programming language.

Native application development will be labor-intensive. This increases the time to develop and also costs.

Furthermore, native apps may require more time and resources due to the many codes available on various platforms.

It's expensive to maintain native applications. Maintaining an app ranges from 15%-20 % of the development cost. An app with a basic design that costs $25,000 will be able to keep a cost of around $5,000.

The more expensive the native app development and the higher the cost to develop, the more expensive it is to keep.

Lengthy Downloading Process

Only native apps via the App Store (Google Play and the Apple App Store) for them to be ready to be used.

This procedure has several steps: visiting the app store, finding the app by accepting the terms and conditions, and finally downloading it.

Many people need more time or patience to go through the necessary app download steps. Every step of the app funnel may result in losing 20 percent of customers.

  • App Store Page View

  • Install

  • Open app

  • Sign up

  • Be Content

  • Post or send messages to your acquaintances

Native Application Require Frequent Upgrades

Developers must submit changes to the store if a glitch is fixed within native applications. Users can then make changes to their apps in the latest versions.

If users don't upgrade, their applications could abandon the application due to unresolved bugs.

Developers worry constantly about losing clients.

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Why Choose Flutter Over Native Application Development in 2024?

Flutter provides a range of advantages over the native and cross-platform development tools. Flutter says it's much more affordable, takes less time to build, and has superior efficiency. Even though the Flutter Flutter app's users are small but not as extensive as other platforms, such as native language development for apps, it is growing. The development of apps on Flutter is an excellent option for startups. Flutter app developers can collaborate with Flutter businesses with mutually beneficial terms.

Flutter application Development over the long term can be a viable choice. Fuchsia OS operates Flutter. It was created and promoted by Google. Firms using this platform will gain advantages when the framework is distributed worldwide.

However, what makes Flutter apart from other platforms is its constant determination to provide a fantastic experience for its users. With the continuous support of Google and an active developer community, Flutter's capabilities are constantly changing and improving. It is the ideal choice to build robust mobile apps.

1. Cross-platform Application Development

One of the most impressive characteristics of Flutter is the ability to develop cross-platform software using one codebase. This unique feature does not just help developers save time and energy but allows them to easily maintain a consistent design across various platforms, including iOS and Android. Using Flutter's robust platform and extensive library of widgets, developers can create unique user interfaces and complex animations and offer the most incredible user experience. Launching applications effortlessly across different platforms without much effort is testimony to Flutter's remarkable flexibility and effectiveness.

Read Also: Features Upgrade Your App With Flutter 3.7

2. Support for Older Devices

One of the significant challenges for your on demand mobile app development is ensuring that your app runs flawlessly across various gadgets, including older and smaller-powered devices. It can be a challenge because compatibility issues can occur. But Flutter addresses this challenge with its comprehensive support of various operating systems and gadgets, even older versions. So, Native Application developers who use Flutter can connect with more people without worrying about compatibility problems.

Additionally, Flutter's built-in performance profiling tools are revolutionizing how developers work. They cannot just identify but also effectively address any issues with performance that may occur. In this way, app developers can ensure the app's smooth performance across all devices and provide the best user experience. This benefit of Flutter can be particularly beneficial for countries in the developing world where older technology is more common, allowing developers to create apps that cater to a larger audience.

Flutter's ability to run on various gadgets and embedded performance profiling tools makes it an ideal alternative for mobile application development. Developers can create apps that work flawlessly across all devices, irrespective of age or performance, and, in the end, improve users' experience while broadening the appeal of their applications.

3. It's Fast, Fast, Fast!

Flutter's speed of development is impressive. Thanks to its lightning-fast processing speed, programmers can quickly iterate their programs due to the hot reload function. This lets them instantly assess and verify the effects of their changes, resulting in more efficient and speedier debugging and testing. Additionally, the ability to modify the application on the go without restarting it improves the overall development process, making it faster and easier to manage. Flutter empowers developers to develop high-quality apps quickly and easily with these functions.

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The Flutter framework provides

  • the ability to iterate quickly,

  • a comprehensive collection of custom UI components and

  • a compelling framework to create attractive and enjoyable user interfaces.

The extensive library of widgets allows designers to design stunning graphics and interactive user experiences for their applications. Furthermore, Flutter's cross-platform nature permits code reuse, saving time and energy in creating applications on different platforms.

In addition, Flutter's solid community-based support and constant upgrades ensure developers have access to the most recent tools. A vibrant community of users provides the most extensive knowledge and help, which makes it much easier for developers to discover solutions and share their knowledge with others.

Overall, Flutter's rapid development speed, hot reload features, flexible UI elements, cross-platform capability, and community-based solid support make it an excellent alternative for developers who wish to build high-quality apps quickly and quickly for Native Application.

4. Top-notch user experience

In today's technological time, interaction with users has become the primary factor in every successful app. With Flutter, developers can quickly make visually attractive and interactive applications that deliver an excellent user experience. It is all possible because of Flutter's widgets that can be customized and its extensive motion APIs that allow the creation of stunning motions and smooth transitions.

Furthermore, Flutter supports rapid reloads. This means developers can view the modifications they make in real-time without the need to rebuild the whole app. This helps save the development process and permits quick iterations and testing, resulting in a more polished user experience.

Furthermore, Flutter's reactive programming model lets developers build apps with smooth and flexible interfaces. It is accomplished by using widgets that update themselves automatically whenever any change in the information, ensuring the user's interface is in sync with the underlying information.

5. Google guaranteed

Because Flutter was developed and is managed by Google, the company, it gives the security of businesses and developers. With the backing of Google, the framework is assured that there will be continuous support and updates to the Flutter framework, which ensures that applications built using Flutter are up-to-date and valuable within the rapidly changing tech world.

Furthermore, as an open-source framework, Flutter has a strong developer community that constantly improves and adds to the framework. So, any issues can be quickly fixed, making Flutter a reliable and trusted choice for developing mobile apps.

In the end, Google's involvement with Flutter gives the framework a certain amount of trustworthiness and gives businesses assurance when selecting Flutter for their app development requirements. Therefore, if you're contemplating using Flutter to develop the following mobile app development project, ensure you're safe with Google's assurance.

Also read: Why Is Flutter The Ultimate Choice For Your Mobile App Startup?

6. Efficiency in cost and time saving

A further advantage of using Flutter mobile app development is its cost-efficiency and speed-saving abilities. In the past, Flutter's hot-reload function lets you quickly iterate and test, saving precious development time.

Additionally, because the same source code base can be employed to build applications for both iOS and Android platforms, this reduces the necessity of hiring distinct teams on each platform, eventually decreasing development costs.

In addition, using Flutter's comprehensive widget library and flexible UI parts, app developers can create applications more quickly, thus decreasing the time to market. This is particularly helpful for firms looking to launch applications quickly and effectively.

7. Flutter 2.0 and Beyond

Flutter evolves and continues to advance with every new release, the latest release being Flutter 2.0. The new version includes several brand-new capabilities, like increased performance because of the inclusion of Dart 2.12 and compatibility with different platforms and devices (including desktops and the web),updated widgets, and enhanced integration with Firebase.

However, the evolution of Flutter still needs to be finished at that point. Flutter's team always strives to improve the framework and make it more flexible and practical for developers. Future updates and new enhancements expected to be included in the upcoming release include support for devices that fold enhanced accessibility, as well as more integration with other languages.

If they choose Flutter, business owners can guarantee that their mobile apps remain up-to-date and competitive in a constantly changing world of technology. Thanks to its constant development and the support of Google, Flutter is an excellent selection for every mobile app development. There's no reason to wait. 

Begin exploring the possibilities offered by Flutter right now to take your company to the next level in the field of mobile applications! Therefore, feel free to select Flutter to develop your next application development endeavor and become part of the growing group of developers who have already taken advantage of this incredible framework.

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8. Excellent MVP Builder

Minimum Viable Products (MVP) is a well-known method in Native Application development. It allows businesses to launch their app and get feedback from their users rapidly. Creating an MVP is even more straightforward, thanks to Flutter's user-friendly interface and hot reloading feature.

Modifying code in real-time and seeing the changes reflected immediately in the display makes it quicker and easier for users to tweak the application's functions and interface. This allows rapid prototyping. This makes it much easier to get users' feedback and make changes before the product is made available for release.

Additionally, Flutter's cross-platform capabilities allow businesses to develop their MVPs to work on both iOS and Android simultaneously, thus making it easier to save time and money. This makes Flutter the ideal solution for small and startup businesses seeking to develop a winning MVP.

With Flutter, the business can create an excellent Native Application quickly and collect valuable insights from their users to improve the product. The result is an improved and more customer-focused application. The speed, flexibility, and user-friendliness make flutter the ideal choice for creating an MVP.

9. Performance-enhancing

One main factor that led to choosing Flutter is its outstanding efficiency. Flutter's reactive framework permits quick app development and a seamless user experience. It is achieved through the usage of widgets that aren't just customizable but also offer a significant amount of control over the app's user interface.

Additionally, as we already mentioned, Flutter 2.0 has improved its performance further thanks to the addition of Dart 2.12 and support for various platforms and devices. Developers can develop high-quality and efficient apps to run on multiple platforms without compromising the speed of operation or usability.

In today's hectic world, app users expect applications to load swiftly and operate smoothly. This makes the speed of loading an essential aspect of developing mobile apps. With the help of Flutter, companies can be sure that the app they develop meets and surpasses expectations. This leads to a higher level of satisfaction for users and retention.

Read also: Top Amazing Apps Built with Flutter Framework


The choice to select Flutter over native application development by 2024 is based on various aspects highlighting its importance in the mobile development scene. Flutter is so popular because of its ability to simplify the process of developing apps to ensure optimal performance along with cross-platform support.

In the first place, Flutter's codebase is a single source of code that gives users a significant advantage by not having to create separate codes on different platforms, considerably cutting development time and cost. This is especially important in today's fast-paced world, where speedy deployment and rapid repetition are crucial.

Furthermore, the robust Flutter framework lets developers quickly create unique, native-like user interfaces with its vast collection of customizable widgets and built-in components. This improves user experience and allows developers to maintain an identical experience across all platforms.

In addition, Flutter's solid community involvement, in conjunction with regular updates and improvements provided, ensures that developers can access the latest tools and resources for the changing needs of the industry.

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1. Why should I pick Flutter instead of the native app development process in 2024?

Flutter is a code base that can be used for each iOS and Android platform, cutting costs and development time. Developers can immediately detect changes through its exciting reload option, increasing efficiency and speeding up the development process.

2. Do flutter applications work as well as native apps by 2024?

The performance of Flutter has been continuously improved, and by 2024, Flutter will be in close competition with native apps in terms of effectiveness and speed. Thanks to Flutter design advancements and optimized rendering capabilities, users will experience flawless experiences similar to native applications.

3. How can Flutter guarantee the quality of its apps and ensure consistency across all platforms in 2024?

The widget-based design of Flutter allows developers to build visually stunning and consistent UI experiences across different platforms. Customizing elements and widgets will enable developers to maintain the consistency of their brand and provide quality apps, regardless of platform.

4. Will Flutter have the support of third-party plugins and libraries by 2024?

Indeed, the Flutter community has expanded significantly by acquiring various plugins and libraries to perform multiple functions. By 2024, developers will be able to access a broad array of tools, making it more straightforward to incorporate functions like maps, analytics, and even authentication into Flutter applications.

5. How secure is Flutter for developing apps in 2024 and after?

The open-source nature of Flutter and its active community guarantee its long-term viability and ability to adapt to an ever-changing application development market. The commitment of Google to improve Flutter's capabilities and its rapid acceptance by large companies makes it an ideal option for developing apps in 2024 year and after.