Cost and Features Involved to Build E-Wallet App Like Google Pay

Cost and Features Involved to Build E-Wallet App Like Google Pay

Increased digitization has inspired people to switch to cashless payments more readily than ever, saving the hassle and risk of carrying cash around with them all the time. Electronic payment options, however, offer quicker and safer solutions without needing to worry about collecting change or risk carrying large sums, hence the demand for working with a popular eWallet app development company to create feature rich eWallet mobile applications is on rise. Once upon a time, mobile phones were just a novelty as people became used to taking them wherever they went. Now, even kindergarten-going children know how these gadgets operate! Smartphones have quickly become widespread among consumers as people embrace cashless money transactions through them. With digitalization becoming ever more ubiquitous, we must recognize its causes; contactless payments are one of these. Online banking and payments through credit and debit cards became major digital breakthroughs that evolved further with e-wallets and online payment systems. This blog will highlight the key features and costs to create a mobile wallet app like Google Pay.

Increased Demand for Payment Apps

Rapid growth in mobile consumer and P2P payments has driven the development of wallet apps; data and statistics show this. Here are a few facts you may like to read about e-wallet app development that you will enjoy reading about.

  • In the USA alone, 92.3 million mobile payment users were recorded as of 2017.
  • Mobile wallet payments accounted for 3.0% of North American e-commerce transactions 2018.
  • Additionally, Google Pay is one of the more popular wallet apps, with 416 million active users globally.
  • PayPal remains another leading choice, with 400 million worldwide active users as one mobile wallet app.

Apple Pay has quickly become one of America's top mobile payments apps. Over time, several electronic wallet apps have proliferated. Some provide features beyond being used for digital transactions, such as exceptional purchase capabilities and booking tickets or buying services from home.

Solutions Used in E-Wallet App Development

Building online mobile applications is no simple matter. An intricate process needs to be followed diligently for success; even minor errors could have dire repercussions for virtual app development solutions. Due to this risk and loss, developers need to be extra attentive. Various advanced and basic features are found within these portals designed to ensure maximum safety and security. Before we discuss all the features, let's consider solutions that play an integral part to build eWallet app like Google Pay. Here goes:


NFC (Near Field Communication) is an effective technology for sharing data or funds between devices, offering hassle-free payments through proximity tags. Nearly every leading mobile wallet app uses NFC solutions as a contactless payment solution for users.

QR Codes

Are they doing business often? Or do you still need to save contacts on your phone? QR codes provide the perfect way to make payments quickly and effortlessly - scanning their code using your smartphone will allow the funds to transfer immediately!


The blockchain solution has quickly become one of the go-to e-wallet applications due to its highly secure and unalterable properties, used mainly by government organizations and financial institutions that transfer large sums.

Bluetooth and iBeacon

Many are unfamiliar with iBeacon, but it's impactful technologies have quickly made an impressionful debut recently. A form of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE),it was introduced by Apple several years back as an innovative way of offering location-based service to their users via small transmitter devices within its range and utilizing small transmitter devices sending signals. Due to its fast, secure payment procedures, it has quickly won over an avid following for making transactions.

Introduction of e-wallet apps like Google Pay

Google Pay opens up new challenges of developing an eWallet app regarding its development and usage; many development firms have seen these applications as profitable sources of income. Therefore, understanding e-wallet App Development in its entirety may prove fruitful in understanding to build eWallet app like Google Pay and what steps one needs to take for their projects. E-wallet apps have become invaluable, offering users convenient e-transaction solutions without the time-intensive effort required for physical transactions to utilize resources available to them. E-wallet apps play an incredibly integral part in this equation.  They should provide interfaces with high demand among their user base. E-transactions allow people to take advantage of being able to transact on the go by not needing to physically go somewhere when managing resources that might otherwise go wasted. Since numerous companies are now thinking to build eWallet app like Google Pay, one needs to develop an innovative concept to stand out. User interface design must be intuitive. Achieving efficiency with mobile payment apps means considering that people may need to be more tech-savvy, thus making navigation simple enough so they can easily navigate a complicated system. Although advanced features can be advantageous, creating an intuitive and user-friendly app experience for consumers should remain the top priority for mobile app development companies. A top priority should be providing secure environments for electronic transactions. Given the rise of wallet apps dedicated to electronic transactions, an upsurge in fraudulent apps is hitting the market. Under such conditions, there must be no room for mishaps or third-party interactions. Therefore, it must provide maximum protection - people will entrust their hard-earned funds to them! This should always remain top of mind as their security should always come first.

Features To Be Implemented When Building an EWallet App Like Google Play

Features are integral when discussing any digital wallet application, making your product stand out from competitors and out among your market segment. When hiring developers to build eWallet app like Google Pay, ensure they implement features that help make your product unique among its peers.

Push Notification

With this feature, app owners can notify users of all transactions through their application and maintain an in-depth knowledge of all accounts in which money has been transacted through them. Users gain a sense of inclusion as they become informed of each detail regarding their money transactions via this platform.

Logging In via Social Login

Users can login and register to an app using credentials they already possess from social media, saving time and effort spent repeatedly entering all their details. To facilitate transactions easily and track past and current transaction histories efficiently. Users need their login details to complete transactions effortlessly while being aware of past and present activity history.

QR Code Readers

E-wallets have become an indispensable way for individuals to pay bills quickly and conveniently. One mechanism facilitating contactless payments efficiently for any merchant or service is via their phones' cameras by scanning a QR Code of their payment destination - making transactions directly towards its account instead. This makes payments convenient, seamless, and accessible!

Better Personal Expense Management

Know where and how much of your hard-earned money has gone each month by viewing transactions within the history tab, which records every purchase or service utilized over time and helps users make intelligent decisions regarding expenses.

Loyalty Programs

All apps strive for customer loyalty by offering them dedication benefits that enhance the user experience, such as collecting points to spend later or earning scratch cards with every transaction. Doing this helps retain users while creating an atmosphere of belonging amongst users who use these applications.

CRM System

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) allows users to receive assistance whenever needed and avoid getting stuck anywhere. Customers can speak directly with customer representatives if any issue arises and get immediate solutions from customer representatives.

Real-Time Analytics

The dashboard offers administrators of their app an understanding of real-time analytics of their app, providing information on each transaction that occurs at specific moments through it and also showing their status and performance over time.

Wearable Integration

It is effortless for users to carry devices equipped with applications that offer wearable integration wherever they may go, giving them access without needing wallets or cash for transaction purposes.

Virtual Card

Users receive their own personalized and unique numbers, which act like virtual credit cards to make payments in cashless economies and enable users to carry mobile phones instead. This enhances the cashless economy, making users smart enough to take mobile devices everywhere.

eCommerce Integration

Once your app becomes popular among users and brands, companies begin approaching you to sell their products via your platform. Your app provides some retail therapy to its users while simultaneously drawing them with offers like discounts!

Online Bills and Recharges

Bills and Recharge Apps allow users to pay their electricity bill from any mobile phone quickly - Gone are the days when payments had to be made in person at an electricity board office - now, users can promptly pay from home! E-wallets offer users another method for making timely phone, gas, and electricity payments through one centralized interface - such as those listed above!

Promotional Tools

With competition amongst e-wallet apps being fiercer than ever, each app must do everything it can to attract users by offering special promotional offers or discounts directly through its homepage so users can benefit immediately.

Chatbot Support

They could even integrate chatbot support so their offers could reach users effortlessly. Enhance user experience as assistance staff are always there when needed.

Factors Affecting the Cost of EWallet App Development

The costs to build eWallet app like Google Pay depend upon several elements, which determine their costs precisely. Before discussing how much an E-wallet mobile app may cost you, let's review these considerations:

App Development Platforms

Platform selection is one of the main determinants of overall eWallet app development costs. Your choice affects everything from development, tools, techniques, cost estimation, and potential timeline. Android wallet app development involves different tools and technologies than those employed when developing iOS applications. Apps created using Kotlin or Java will need experienced app developers working on your project. With more phones on the market using these languages than iOS phones, developers' tasks have increased exponentially, which raises costs. On the other hand, when selecting iOS wallet app development as your option, Objective C or Swift programming languages will be utilized by an experienced team of iOS app developers; accordingly, cost considerations tend to favor iOS app development over their counterparts. Cross-platform app development could be your answer if you want an app designed specifically for both platforms, as the cost associated with doing this tends to be less. 

App Design

Designing an app is as essential to its success as writing its code. Good designs attract users and increase engagement; to make your digital wallet app successful, focus on its UI/UX elements to keep things as user-friendly and interactive as possible; however, more complex designs increase the costs of designing.  You should hire a UI/UX designer or specialist to build eWallet app like Google Pay if more intricate designs are desired to ensure optimal navigations and graphics features; similarly, a more complex design choice means additional costs will arise for mobile wallet app development, too - more intricate designs will incur more outstanding development fees as you must hire specialists in designing mobile wallet development to complete.

App Size

An app's size depends on what features and modules it will contain and the time and effort required to build eWallet app like Google Pay. A smaller app requires less work from you, thus decreasing time and costs significantly. According to experts, app size plays an integral part in eWallet app development costs.  Therefore, large-scale e-wallet apps with many screens may incur extra expenses as their developers must work overtime on them as their development times will take up more of your budget than they could in developing smaller-scale ones.

App Development Team

A developer isn't the only individual working on your project. There's also a whole team consisting of designers, developers, project managers, and app testers involved with it all. According to each individual's expertise and hourly rate, employee differences can influence overall costs associated with developing an eWallet app - the bigger your team size, the higher its final costs. Other parameters to be considered for E-wallet app development cost estimation include the experience and location of your chosen e-wallet app Development Company, app complexity, technology stack, etc. When providing estimates of costs related to developing an e-wallet app, development costs will vary based on requirements such as features & functionalities added as well as modifications made.  We have already detailed all these variables that affect overall costs above; changes would significantly increase this estimate. Given these considerations, the cost to build eWallet app like Google Pay will be around $10,000-$12,000 on Android; iOS development would add another 12,000-15.000; cross-platform app creation can range anywhere from $15k-25% of total development cost These estimates apply only if a basic feature set has been selected. For any changes made that alter these factors accordingly and, therefore, result in changes to overall cost to make an app like Google Pay as a whole.

The Key Takeaway

E-payments simplify shopping for consumers, and companies are eager to provide special promotions or discounts so they can engage and connect with this customer base. Mobile wallet applications have revolutionized how money transfers occur today, from electronic invoices and account stability checks through money switch and money swap services to payments made using these packages for various goods or services purchased using them. Now more than ever, mobile wallet apps offer businesses and startups an effective method for conducting financial transactions. EWallets have proven invaluable in strengthening economies and financial sectors around the globe. From PayPal, Google Pay, and Paytm to others like them - these platforms have altered how people transact on markets or buy products. Multiple investments have already been made into building PayPal-like apps. So now it is your turn to invest in eWallet development; seek professional assistance from mobile app development company in creating your eWallet application for optimal results.


1. What Are the Maintenance Expenses of an EWallet App? 

Maintenance costs for an e-wallet app depend on many variables, such as its complexity, user base size, and frequency of updates. Ongoing development expenses could range between $10,000-20,000 annually in costs for server hosting, bug fixes, and security updates - and such payments often need to be managed from within this budget.

2. How Long Does it Take to Create an eWallet App? 

The time needed to build an e-wallet app may depend on multiple factors, including its complexity, features and functional requirements, the platform used to build eWallet app like Google Pay, and the experience of its development team. An essential app with standard features may take an average of four to six months or one year of work.

3. What Are the Top Five EWallet Apps?

With numerous e-wallet apps on the market doing tremendous and providing user experience, below are five that we researched thoroughly to meet this criteria:

  • Google Pay
  • Cash App
  • Dwolla
  • Google Pay
  • Samsung Wallet