Top Features To Consider While Developing An Android App In 2020

Top Features To Consider While Developing An Android App In 2020

We all know that Android devices dominate the global smartphone market. The main thing why it is becoming popular with time is because of the emerging economies and apart from this, pricing plays an important factor in the user’s purchase decisions. So for the best android app hire the Android App Development Company. So, do you have a great app idea?? If yes, then don’t think much because the usage of android smartphones is evolving at a rapid pace. So, if you are planning to make your innovative app idea go on the platform in the year 2020, then you must also have the plan of which features you must add so that your app stands out of the competition. Thinking???? Don’t think because you can hire the best Android App Development Company that will help you out with the out-of-the-box android app with the best features embedded in it. We all know that there are hundreds of thousands of apps available on the Google Store but only a few hit the mind of the people because they cater to the needs of the user.

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Always keep in mind that the apps that prioritize user experience will always perform better than apps that add fancy technologies just for the sake of it. The mobile app you develop must prioritize usability and functionality. So, today to help you out I have come up with this article where we are featuring some important features that you should consider during the android app development.


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1. App Navigation

App navigation helps the users to navigate from an app across, back, in, and out. In simple words- “moving between the screens”. If the navigation is not done properly in the app then the user will face difficulty in moving between the screens. Navigation is easy if the Android UX design is good or great. Applications that conform to familiar user interface patterns make the user experience automated for the end-user. Unlike websites that provide important information through the page, the mobile app needs to be task-oriented. If you want any help regarding the guidelines then you can refer to Google. It will help you in the overview of the information architecture of the app by which you can place the content accordingly. During the development phase, pay attention to the navigation drawer design guidelines to ensure a smooth user experience.

2. Simple User Interface

When we talk about app development then the first thing that comes in our mind is simplicity. I am saying this because users will only take a maximum of 2 minutes to go through the app and if they do not like the app then they will only take extra a second to uninstall the app. The reason behind it will be the User Interface which makes it difficult to navigate through the app. So while designing the wireframe, keep simplicity in your mind. Always make sure that the users use minimum clicks to use your app. To do this create shortcuts for the most frequently used functions.

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 3. Offline Capabilities

If you can build an app that works offline then just do it because the offline apps are slowly pacing. The reason behind this is the apps are delivering a better experience to the users. Most of the apps in the Play Store work over Wi-Fi or fast data connection and if offline apps make to the platform then there is no way you can get back because you will only see it growing. Offline apps are perfect for those who mostly travel and live in remote areas where connectivity is poor. Other than this, the users will download the app because they want to save their internet data. So, having an offline feature in the list will undoubtedly drive conversation rates.

4. Fast Loading Speed

The reason which can be included in the fail of your mobile applications is the slow loading speed. If you keep this point in mind then no one can stop your pp to see the success. You will only see the growth. I am saying this because no user would like to wait and waste their time till the page loads as everyone wants a quick response. Keep in mind that the loading speed must not be more than 10 seconds. The app must be highly responsive and the functions of the apps must work properly with the one tap only. So, if you want to be on the top list of the Play Store then this feature must be included without fail. 

5. Multiple Languages Support

 If your expectations are high and want your app to see success throughout the world then this feature is a must. Integrating international languages will help you in expanding your apps. Before implementing the languages, you must know the audiences you are targeting and the counties you are launching the app. There are people who love the app in their language. So apart from including the English language try to also include other languages such as- French, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, German, and others. This way, a user can select his preferred language during installation. You can launch your app with just 2 or 3 languages and the others will be added as updates. The more languages your app supports, the more the people will engage.

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6. Responsive Design

We all know that the size of the screen of the android mobile varies according to the company. So, keeping this in mind, it has become very important to create an app that fits the screen and provides flexibility as well as lag-free experience. Undoubtedly the UI designed for the phone will not provide a good experience on a tablet. So, it becomes very important for the developer to keep this point in mind during the development phase. Make sure that you integrate the responsive design in every device from IoT devices to tablets as this will help you to provide a seamless user experience.

7. App Permissions

An android application is incomplete without the App Permission feature because it is the most anticipated feature among the users. With this feature, the user has all controls over permission. If the user wants to grant, deny, or revoke any previous permission then he can do it at his convenience. It all depends on the user. 

Factors To Consider While Developing An Android App 

Apart from features, we must also consider a few factors during the development of your Android App, and these factors are mentioned below. [video width="2160" height="1814" mp4=""][/video]

  1. Locating and Understanding the Problem
  2. The most important thing the developers should keep in mind is to understand the problem of the people who uses an android app. Understand it deeply and try to figure out a solution to them. Help them to know what they need for their business. Not only this, but you must also know the tools through which you can help the people. The developer must know what the exact problem is in the app due to which people are suffering. 

2. Providing Solutions to Problem

After knowing the problem in detail, list them out, and think of ideas to develop an app that will provide solutions to all the listed problems.  This will not only help you to solve a problem but also your app will see the growth. People will be happy to use the app as they will not face any issue.

 3. Help in Saving Time and Money of People

 If you are successful in developing an app that helps the people in saving time and money then no one can stop you to see the success. Your app will undoubtedly get the attention and will be listed at the top in the play store.

4. Simple is Best

People love simple and sober things and the most important factor of Android applications is that they are simple. So, it indicates that you must not focus on apps that only a tech-savvy person can understand. While developing an android app, also follow the approach of simplicity which everyone can understand i.e. from young to old people. So, keep an eye on the functionality while developing an app. 

5. Keep the Fun Factor

Never go out of track and don’t forget the fun factor because it is very important to keep the users attracted. Don’t think of the requirements of the apps but think of the ways by which you can make it a fun factor. I am saying this because people will be keen to come over again to your app and use it. So, keep in mind that the app must be professional as well as fun to use.

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Ways By Which You Can Increase The User Experience

 It is very important for the developers to keep in mind about how they can increase the user experience of their application. So, I have listed below some ways.  

1. Fewer Registration fields 

We all know how much people struggle to type. So, keep in mind to add fewer registration fields while designing your Android app. Add the most required fields such as name, address, email address, and phone number.  You can also add extra fields which are required but not much. So for the best android app limit the form by adding minimal fields.

2. Quick response

The user gets more irked when the android app is slow or unresponsive. So, undoubtedly you must keep the loading time and responsiveness in mind while developing an android app.  The app you are developing must not take more than 10 seconds to load as people in today’s world have no time to wait. Apart from loading speed, you must also consider the responsiveness.  This is because if the buttons and functions do not work properly then there is no use of such application. So, the user will not accept the apps that take a longer time to load.

3. Think of compactness

For the people, the greatest constraint is the inadequacy of memory space. In simple words, the user cannot install all the apps that they require due to the space they take. And the worse is that the apps are not stored in external memory. So, if you want your app to be installed at a higher rate then create a smaller size app. I am saying this because, if people think that your app is useful but is of large size then they will drop the plan to download it. Apart from this reason, one more reason is that when the update comes then the app will become even bigger which will result in the requirement of more space. So, it is very important to create a compact size application as whenever the update comes it will still not take much space. 

4. 2-click feedback is great

Undoubtedly you will create a great app but there are still chances that it can be improved more and this factor can be seen only by the users. So, take the improvement ideas from the users and make amendments according to their requirements in the next update. For this, you will need feedback from them on a regular basis. So, add a feedback option in your app as you will get more feedback and you can make a note of it before updating the app. The best way for this is to implement 2-click feedback. When the user clicks on the feedback button, a form must appear in which they can write down their concern and places where the requirement is required.

5. It should be free

If you go around the play store, you will find numerous apps. You can even say hundreds of thousands of apps. And it is obvious that you will find an app similar to your services that too free.  So, don’t even give a try to make your app paid and it should be entirely free. There are a lot of ways by which you can make money through your free application.


The task of an Android application developer is merely to design a mobile application that fulfills the requirement of the users. As long as the product is on the market, the work of the developer will never get over. The demand and requirements of the users will never get over until the app is in Play Store. Work with the best Android App Development Company because the company will maintain usability throughout the lifecycle of the App and not only this but will also help in building long-lasting relationships with customers. This will happen only if the company adds features on a regular basis and provides updates. The remarkable growth in AI and machine learning brings out Android application development solutions that completely change the way mobile apps are experienced. There will be no shortage of features. However, the number of correct features determines whether or not an application is successful. So, If you are having any query or confusion about this then you can contact the best Android App Development Company. Don’t hesitate to call our executive at +1 303-335-0405 or drop your inquiry at [email protected] or Free Quote at-