Flutter vs React Native: What to Choose for Mobile App Development?

Flutter vs React Native: What to Choose for Mobile App Development?

The mobile app development industry has become highly competitive with the revolutionary arrival of Flutter and React Native frameworks. These two cross-platform app development frameworks have been trendsetters since day one. People have keenly observed the enormous changes in the development of mobile apps in recent times. Industries, such as healthcare, automobile, retail, agriculture, entertainment, gaming, and many such industries have transformed the way businesses function. In addition, the Flutter Vs React Native discussion has divided the tech companies, solidifying the competition further. Nowadays, businesses prefer to build the most communicative and interactive mobile apps. Both cross-platform mobile app development frameworks have their quirks and functionalities making them special for the faster development of futuristic mobile apps.

Now, the question arises, which cross-platform app development framework is best for your business idea? Before finding an answer to this question and reaching a conclusion, let’s understand these two multi-platform app development frameworks: Flutter and React Native, in detail-

What is Flutter?

Flutter framework was created by Google using Dart programming language in 2017. This open-source UI framework exhibits high compatibility with different platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Web, and MacOS, during the mobile app development process. With the presence of a rich library, functions, and tools, mobile app developers around the world are capable of building powerful and high-performing mobile applications in much less time and cost. 

Nowadays, the Flutter app development solution is one of the most preferred cross-platform mobile app development techniques among developers. With the rise of usage of mobile applications, the popularity and demand for Flutter mobile apps are going up at a much faster rate across many industry verticals. As of 2023, Flutter 3.10 has come to the market with all the advanced updates and additions. With that, A flutter app development company has become high in demand for mobile application development.

What is React Native?

React Native is another extremely popular cross-platform app development framework created by Meta in 2015. Unlike native app development frameworks, React Native exhibits better compatibility across all platforms, such as Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and Web. This multi-platform app development framework uses JavaScript and a special markup language, JSX. React Native also uses native mobile user interface elements during the cross-platform app development process. 

In other words, React Native app development solution involves the use of functions of React framework while taking advantage of native platform capabilities. Therefore, React native app development framework showcases highly interactive and responsive app development characteristics resulting in a great user experience. As of 2023, the latest version of React Native 0.71 is being used by global developers. With that, the value of a React Native app development company has increased over the past few years.

Market Analysis

Indeed, the market value of cross-platform app development frameworks- Flutter and React Native is high. Businesses belonging to different industry verticals prefer to choose a cross-platform app development company to build their mobile apps and stay ahead of their competitors. 

Let’s look at market insights-

  • In 2019, React Native was the most popular cross-platform framework for mobile app development. By the end of 2022, Flutter became one of the most preferred cross-platform mobile app development frameworks leaving React Native behind.
  • Study shows that Flutter, React Native, and Cordova were the most popular multi-platform mobile app development frameworks in 2019 with 30%, 42%, and 29% market shares respectively.
  • In 2022, .NET, NumPy, and Pandas were the top three most used libraries and frameworks among global developers with a market share of about 34.55%, 28.65%, and 25.08% respectively. Data analysis and machine learning technologies like Pandas and TensorFlow have contributed to the growth of the usage of such frameworks.
  • According to a study, among the most wanted libraries and frameworks by global developers, Flutter was the choice of 13.52% while React Native was the choice of 13.05%. 
  • In 2022, the top five most used libraries and frameworks were .Net, NumPy, Pandas, Spring, and TensorFlow.
  • The number of mobile app developers has been increasing by many folds in the last few years. In 2020, there were over 24.5 million software developers worldwide. 

Now, you are aware of the market demand and popularity of cross-platform app development frameworks. If you wish to build your business application using cross-platform app development services, you must know about the top players in your industry.

Here, let’s look at the top Flutter and React Native-based leading business mobile apps-

Popular Flutter and React Native Apps