21+ Best Free Intermittent Fasting Apps for Android & iOS in 2024

21+ Best Free Intermittent Fasting Apps for Android & iOS in 2024

Free intermittent fasting apps are booming globally.  “Mens sana in corpore sano,” a Latin phrase that translates into "A healthy mind in a healthy body," fits perfectly in today’s scenario. The world has started learning the importance of having good fitness. The existence of intermittent fasting apps (IF) is the perfect example of it. Recently, people are not only prioritizing their diet but also how they consume it. The awareness of how and when you need to eat is what IF apps are all about. It would be wrong to assume them as a stopwatch with periodic reminders.  Intermittent fasting is more than just a weight loss regimen, despite the portrayal by mainstream media. It offers lasting health advantages on a cellular level. Furthermore, this concept gained global recognition in 2012 through a TV documentary called "Eat Fast, Live Longer," presented by BBC broadcast journalist Dr. Michael Mosley, and the accompanying book, "The Fast Diet. Since then, many books and apps have been made available for intermittent fasting. These sources have helped people know more about it as well as answer:

  • Should I try IF?
  • Is it a fad?
  • How will it help me in the long run?

And with the ease of finding developers, many people have also successfully made their own apps for intermittent fasting.  Beginning is always the hardest and most challenging part, whether it be starting a new diet or a new app. In both cases, proper and systematic knowledge is helpful to leave no doubt. Let’s dive into the intermittent fasting apps out there

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What is an Intermittent Fasting App?

Intermittent fasting shifts the focus from meal content to timing, encouraging a periodic eating schedule without snacks in between. It encompasses various diet plans that can enhance metabolism, bolster cellular and molecular mechanisms, and subsequently ward off diseases, promoting holistic well-being across mental, physical, and emotional dimensions. Most adherents opt for nighttime fasting and daytime eating. It's important to note that intermittent fasting differs from the Circadian Rhythm approach, which revolves around "Daylight eating and nighttime resting  

Market Analysis of Intermittent Fasting Apps

Research shows the influence of intermittent fasting apps as part of the health & wellness sector. In 2022, IF apps generated over $3 million in revenues. If you factor in people’s interests and the results of IF, there is still a lot of untapped potential.

What are the Types of Intermittent Fasting?

First of all, you need to understand the different types of fasting. It is essential to know which works better for you. You can schedule your intermittent fasting plan as you like. However, there are four most popular intermittent fasting windows to consider. They are-

  • 16:8 Plan or Time Restricted Eating-

Time-specific eating, commonly known as the 16:8 method, is the most popular. People observe a fasting period of 16 hours. It usually starts after sunset and continues till mid-day. Then, they follow a healthy diet routine for the next 8 hours.   Some people also use a 14:10 intermittent fasting schedule. In this, fasters have a 14-hour fasting period and a 10-hour eating window. Such types of fasting periods are considerably easy for first-timers. Because people don't need to change their meal plans significantly. Thus, it is the easiest and most convenient way of fasting. The benefits of the 16:8 plan include weight loss, balanced blood sugar levels, and elevated longevity.   

  • 5:2 Plan-

It is considered one of the most flexible fasting schedules. In this, people usually eat five days a week. Then, they take a break for any two days with a break in between.  For example, people keep fast on Monday and Thursday and eat around 400-600 calorie meals. The meal they consume is high in Protein and fiber, also not to go over calorie count. For the rest of the days, they go on their usual diet.  However, you must have a healthy diet on non-fasting days, if you want to see the results. The benefits of the 5:2 plan include improved blood lipids, reduced insulin resistance, decreased inflammation, and weight loss.  

  • Alternate Day Fasting-

Alternate-day fasting is the best IF approach to preventing heart disease and type-2 diabetes. It is also called “modified fasting.” Here, You consume one low-calorie meal, usually up to 500 calories the fasting day. Then, you consume a nutritious meal the next day. Further, you repeat the process for the rest of the week. In other words, it is called “The Every other Day Diet” by Dr. Krista Varady. You consume only 20-25% of your energy requirement on the fasting day.  However, you may also have calorie-free diets or liquids, such as water, tea, and coffee. This fasting method helps preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss. 

  • 24-hour Fasting-

Another form of Intermittent Fasting plan is also called the “Eat-Stop-Eat” approach. It is different from alternate-day fasting. Here, you consume only calorie-free beverages on the fasting day. Then, you take a healthy meal the next day. So, the schedule proceeds for weeks until you get the desired result. Besides weight loss, it is most beneficial in improving metabolism and cardiovascular health. Other benefits include-

  • Balancing cholesterol and sugar levels.
  • Lowering risks of coronary artery disease. 
  • Reducing inflammation.
  • Lowering risks of certain cancers.
  • Lessening the chances of getting Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Since it follows a strict calorie-free diet on a fasting day, certain complications may occur. There may be fatigue and headaches. You may also feel quite “hangry” on the fasting day. 

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How does an Intermittent Fasting App Work?

You need to choose the best IF schedule that suits your lifestyle. Then, only you will be able to see the desired results. Even after downloading the best free intermittent fasting app, you still need the discipline to witness results.  Though, the IF schedule looks challenging. Yet, it doesn’t need to be hard to follow. You can use the circadian rhythm to abide by a hassle-free IF plan.  As Dr. Michael Mosley stated in his book “The Fast Diet”- The idea here is that you simply extend your normal overnight fast. If you stop eating at 20:00 and don’t start eating again until 10:00, that is a 14-hour fast. That way you get some of the benefits of intermittent fasting without worrying about calorie counting.” First, you need to set the IF schedule in the app. Then the built-in fasting tracker will keep you updated about all the precautions and timing. It will track your weight loss journey and provide an analytical report.  Thus, you don’t need to worry about scheduling your journey. Also, no need to keep track of fasting hours. The intermittent fasting tracker will do that for you. Some IF apps offer advanced features, such as meal planning, progress report, pictures, suggestions, etc. 

How Intermittent Fasting is Beneficial for Your Health?

Or, Does Intermittent Fasting actually help people? For years, people have been bearing the fruits of irregular diet, poor eating habits, and lack of proper exercise. Many people have also been taking either large or insufficient meals at odd times. It is not all that they want now. After witnessing the adverse effects of an improper lifestyle, people started looking for alternatives. It gave a push to many researchers worldwide. The latest research shows that it helps burn fat and lose weight only by making a conscious diet routine.  On fasting day, the insulin level goes down for the initial hours. Thus, it encourages fat cells to release sugar and convert it into energy. Next few hours, the body loses more fat cells due to a lack of food intake. Hence, it leads to weight loss.  IF also helps with aging and cognition, manages autophagy & Gut microbiomes, lowers oxidative stress and reduces risks of neurodegenerative diseases. IF also has fast effects on the skin, reduces hypertension, and boosts the immune system.  Needless to say, an intermittent fasting diet is a sure way to get your health back. Researchers say it takes around 2-4 weeks to get familiar with the IF routine.

Some of the Best Free Intermittent Fasting Apps-

You can find plenty of IF apps, both free and premium, on the Google Play Store & App Store.  Let’s discuss some of the best free intermittent fasting apps available in the market-

S. No. App Name Download Price iOS Android
1. Ate Food Journal 100K+ Free Yes Yes
2. BodyFast 10M+ Free Yes Yes
3. Clear 1M+ Free Yes Yes
4. DoFasting 500K+ Free Yes Yes
5. Fasting 10M+ Free Yes Yes
6. Fastient 50K+ Free Yes Yes
7. Fasten 10K+ Free Yes Yes
8. FastHabit 50K+ Free Yes Yes
9. Fastic  25M+ Free Yes Yes
10. Fastyle 100K+ Free No Yes
11. FastEasy 1M+ Free Yes Yes 
12. iFasting 100K+ Free No Yes
13. Lasta 10K+ Free Yes Yes
14. Life Fasting Tracker 1M+ Free Yes Yes
15. Rhythm - Free Yes No
16. Sunrise Fasting - Free Yes No
17. Simple 1M+ Free Yes Yes
18. Vora 300K+ Free Yes No
19. WeFast 70K+ Free Yes No
20. Window 1M+ Free Yes Yes
21. Zero 1M+ Free Yes Yes

1. Ate Food Journal: Best Fasting App

Ate Food Journal

The ‘Enjoyable Food Tracker-Ate’ believes in mindful eating instead of mindless munching due to stress. Ate Food Journal promotes positive self-talk, keeps track of your fasting hours, and diet, and sends reminders about water intake.  It works as your visual food diary. This food diary stores all necessary data. You can also take photos of your meals, share them with friends, and sustain healthy habits using in-app features.  The IF journey (16:8) is customizable on the app. Also, they have the option to share it on social media. Further, you can also experiment with your eating habits, take pictures, and decide what works best for you.

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2. BodyFast

BodyFast These days, BodyFast is the best Intermittent Fasting app available for iOS and Android users. Besides providing multiple intermittent fasting plans, it has a fasting reminder clock, tracks your progress, and keeps you informed about weight & body measurements.  Along with it, the app also has a water tracker, more than 100 healthy recipes, and personalized intermittent fasting plans by BodyFast coaches. Overall, with many features, it is the best app for both beginners and experienced fasters. BodyFast is the best fasting app that is  free of cost. 

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3. Clear: Free Fasting App

Clear: best free fasting app The CLEAR app helps track intermittent fasting journeys along with informative content, and minimalistic fasting & eating timers. Its variety of services and offers makes it one of the best intermittent fasting apps.  The CLEAR app offers multiple features to provide a rich experience to its users. These features include quotes, loving animations, and time management. It also offers google fit synchronization and weight tracking.   Their multiple Fasting plans include- 

  • Beginner: 12/12, 13/11, 14/10, 15/9
  • Intermediate: 16/8, 17/7, 18/6, 19/5
  • Experienced: 20/4, 21/3, 22/2, 23/1, OMAD (One Meal A Day)

Further, the in-app stories and natural sounds help users stay motivated. As a result, it keeps the fasting journey fun and lively.  

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4. DoFasting App

DoFasting App It is one of the best intermittent fasting apps with an in-app workout regime. It works as your fasting assistance with all your fasting tracks and motivational quotes. Thus, it encourages you throughout your journey while keeping track of your health.  The app also contains over 5000 easy-to-recipes and helps you plan your daily, weekly, and monthly meal plans fast. Hence, you can still lose weight while enjoying delicious & nutritious food. The DoFasting app offers four trackers to analyze your every physical activity. They are calorie tracker, water tracker, weight tracker, and step tracker. Further, its various workout plans include mild to intense workouts, HIIT, no equipment workouts, etc. This app is the best free fasting app to use on both Android and iOS.

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5. Fasting: Best Intermittent Fasting App

Intermittent fasting is easy to practice with the Fasting app. It is one of the best fasting apps with no subscription that has various features to help people track their fasting journey. Thus, they would know what works for them. These features are custom fasting plans, timers, trackers, and educational articles. Further, you can also sync your Google Fit data and adjust your fasting/eating period. Hence, you don’t need to count calories anymore. The app will provide all the data you need.  Their fasting plans include 

  • Skip one meal daily: 12-12, 14-10, 15-9, 16-8
  • Eat one meal daily: 18-6,22-2, 19-5, 23-1, 20-4
  • Weekly plan: 6-1, 5-2, 10-2, Autophagy
  • 28 days plan
  • For both beginners and experienced ones

The Fasting app offers a free trial for new app users. To get advantages of more features, users need to upgrade to the premium version. 

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6. Fastient

STCCR Web Design launched this health & fitness app in 2019. The Fastient app attracts customers with its sleek UI design and advanced features. The app offers multiple fasting plans for both beginners and experienced fasters.  It offers more than weight tracking and journaling progress. You can find many premium features in both free & paid versions.  In the free version, you can also journal your thoughts and jot down your feelings and craving with emojis. Further, you can customize your plan and edit or delete data anytime.  In the premium version, you can switch on the dark mode setting. It also offers to add your progress pictures for better analysis with quick-tag emojis. The fastient app works flawlessly with various fasting types.  Most popular fasting regimes include-

  • Intermittent Fasting (IF)
  • 16:8,20:4, or 36-hour fast
  • One Meal a Day (OMAD)
  • Alternate Day Fasting (ADF)
  • Extended Fasting (EF)

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7. Fasten - Fasting Tracker App

The Fasten app, by Welzen LLC., is one of the best free intermittent fasting apps. It offers a keto diet mode along with many eating window plans. You can also connect your apple health app with it. The in-app healthy recipes will motivate you throughout the journey.  It also tracks moods and performs a deep analysis of your IF journey. The app also takes care of your mental health. Thus, it offers many mindful practices, yoga, meditation, etc. You can choose any offer provided by the app-

  • Fast for 12 hours - Eating 12 hours
  • Fast for 14 hours - Eating 10 hours
  • Fast for 16 hours - Eating 8 hours
  • Fast for twice a week: 5:2 methods
  • Alternate day fasting 
  • A weekly 24-hour fast

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Free Intermittent Fasting Apps (Best of 2024)

8. FastHabit: One of Top Best Intermittent Fasting Apps

FastHabit: best free fasting app 

FastHabit is another free intermittent fasting app in the tech world. Like other apps, it also has a weight tracker, timers, and customizable fasting settings. The most unique feature includes motivational steaks, multi-day fasting, calendar view, etc.  You can take a 10-day snapshot with ‘steaks’ to track your progress and complete weekly challenges. In-app guidance from experts also keeps you motivated and on track. FastHabit has been featured in global magazines, such as the Guardian, GQ, and Fast Company. 

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9. Fastic

Fastic: Free Fasting App Since its release in 2019, the Fastic app became the best intermittent fasting app. It is a free app with over 25 million downloads. You can conduct an intermittent fasting lifestyle with various in-app features. You get an in-house academy for learning healthy living, a recipe book with over 400 recipes, and expert guidance. Having fasting buddies and social media channels makes the fasting journey more fun.  Along with various trackers, the app also offers Google Fit synchronization, timers, and a pedometer. It offers multiple plans suitable for your daily life–

  • Gentle – 12:12 | 13:11 | 14:10
  • Moderate – 15:9 | 16:8 | 17:7
  • Intense – 18:6 | 19:5 | 20:4

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10. Fastyle

Fastyle: Best Fasting Apps

The Fastyle is another intermittent fasting app with a step-to-step guide for its users. You can choose any weight loss plan and track how much weight you have lost. It offers one tap to start/end the fast, fasting reminders, and an ad-free fasting experience.  Whether you’re a beginner or experienced faster, you can get health tips & guidance from experts. The fasting types they offer include-

  • 16-Hour Fast/ 16:8 IF Plan
  • 18-Hour Fast/ 18:6 IF Plan
  • 20-Hour Fast/ 20:4 IF Plan
  • 14-Hour Fast/ 14:10 IF Plan

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11. FastEasy

fasteasy: best fasting app Be it Vegan, low-carb, or Keto, FastEasy has every option that a faster will need. They also offer multiple IF plans to help you lose weight with minimum effort. Due to various fasting plans and advanced features, FastEasy has gained over a million users worldwide.  The most significant part of FastEasy is the integration of HEALTHKIT with FastEasy. The fasting plans that the app offers are-

  • 12-hour fast or 12:12 for beginners
  • 16-hour fast/ 16:8 Intermittent Fast 
  • 23:1 or OMAD for experienced fasters
  • Custom fasts based on your rhythm

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12. iFasting: Best Fasting Mobile Application

zero fasting app

If you want a basic fasting app. Then, iFasting is a perfect choice. It is also called the ‘inter fasting’ app. The app keeps track of your fasting activities. The in-app features display your fasting activity analysis and encourage you to have a healthy lifestyle. It got its release by iBuild Lab in 2018. Though, the app is only for Android users. Also, the app offers in-app purchases and marketing campaigns.  

Download- Android

13. Lasta - Fasting & Mental Health App

Lasta - Fasting & Mental Health App You can count on the Lasta app for being the fastest-growing intermittent fasting app. It has proved itself one of the most diverse fasting apps. The Lasta app offers all-in-one services. It includes tracking fasting time, a pedometer, a mood tracker, water balance, and tracking physical activity.  You can stay informed by utilizing in-app health and fitness-related content. Further, it has a meal plan section to help you with an intermittent fasting diet. Also, you can make a custom fasting schedule. It is also easy to integrate Apple Health with Lasta.  Needless to say, the Lasta app takes care of your mental, physical, and emotional health. Recently, they launched the new updated version. It includes rather simple authorization and the Lasta quiz funnel.  It is a free fast tracker app.  

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14. Life Fasting Tracker and Timer

If you are looking for one of the most preferable fasting tracker apps, then you must try the ‘LIFE Fasting Tracker App.’ The app’s success story got featured on Women’s Health, Good Morning America, USA Today, PopSugar, etc. The fitness tracker app helps people stay updated with the latest health trends, supports various diets, including keto and paleo, and tracks weight loss progress. You also get to incorporate it into wearable devices like Apple Watch.  Though, it has a free version. Still, you can upgrade to the premium version to use more advanced features. The free life fasting tracker app has features like custom fasting plans, tracking, social circles, assessments, a learning library, etc. The premium version is called “LIFE+.” The offered features are enriched stats, fasting scheduling, habit tracker, visual progress, exclusive social circle, etc. The app also gives access to a massive library of LES MILLS’ fitness videos. It is to motivate users and provide tips related to losing weight. Everyone gets access to many strength techniques like kickboxing, yoga, etc.

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15. Rhythm

Rhythm app Beginners can find the perfect synchronicity with the Rhythm fasting app. You can select the best fasting schedule suitable to your life, track your daily fasting, and get notifications. Experienced can also get benefits by practising intense routines among various fasting plans.  The latest updated version includes ‘Smart Fast Editing’- preventing fast overlap, and ‘Fasting Elapsed Time Option’- elapsing time instead of default countdown. The best thing about the app is that it is free of cost. As of now, it is only for iOS users.  Cost - No cost

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16. Sunrise Fasting

Sunrise Fasting App The IF fasting has become easy with the Sunrise Fasting tracker app. It tracks your progress with a fasting timer countdown at the end and displays badges, stats, and history. You can also learn about healthy lifestyles via curated articles and videos.  The app also gives the facility to integrate with the Health app to sync your weight data. The fasting types Sunrise Fasting offers are-

  • 16-Hour (16:8) Intermittent Fast: most popular IF type, usually done after dinner through lunch the following day.
  • Sunrise Fast: a typical fast from sunrise until sundown. 
  • Sunset Fast: fast from sundown through sunrise.
  • 18:6, 20:4, one day (24 hrs),and 1.5 days (36 hrs)
  • Custom fasts of any duration (up to 168 hrs)

Though the app is free to use. They also offer an elective subscription plan- Sunrise Fasting+. It grants users access to trends, insights, scheduling, and fast presets. Also, the app will be ad-free.  

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17. Simple- Meal Tracker and Water Reminder

Simple- Meal Tracker and Water Reminder If you’re looking for a modest yet all-in-one IF app. Then, the Simple Intermittent fasting app is the right choice for you. The app offers a personalized fasting plan, tracks water intake, creates a meal plan, and promotes healthy habits.  Its smart tracking features track your everyday caloric intake for you. It also gives you daily tips and hacks and provides a smart tracking facility, operating with only one click. Intermittent fasters can also use a meal journal for mindful eating.  The health app integration with the Simple app tells you about sleep, steps, water, and weight. It also offers custom fasting protocols.  These Simple Fasting Protocols are- 

  • 16-Hour Fast /16:8 Intermittent Fast
  • Circadian Rhythm Fasting
  • 18:6
  • 20:4
  • 14:10
  • OMAD (One Meal A Day)

The Simple app is free of cost. 

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18. Vora: Best Intermittent Fasting Apps

Vora: Fasting App The Vora Fasting Tracker is another one of the Best Intermittent Fasting Apps available in the market. The unique quality of this app is that it is a cloud-based fast-tracker app. The intermittent fasters can edit, delete, or create their preferable fasts.  However, it shows only the last 7 fasts progress to the app users using sleek UI. Though, it is a free application to use. You can also upgrade to the pro. It is only for iOS users. Here, let’s look at the various intermittent fasting plans, Vora offers to users-

  • Full Fast
  • The Daniel Fast
  • 3-Day Fast
  • The Warrior Diet
  • Partial Fast
  • 5:2
  • Up Day Down Day
  • Fat Loss Forever
  • Leangains
  • Alternate Day Diet
  • Dr. Jason Fung Fast
  • Eat Stop Eat Intermittent Fasting Methods

Download- iOS

19. WeFast- Diet Plan for Women

WeFast Diet Plan for Women If there is a women-centric intermittent fasting app, that is the WeFast IF app. With the fastest-growing community of health-conscious women, WeFast is boosting the confidence of many.  The app offers an easy-to-do healthy recipe section, tips on mindful eating, and many healthy meal-planning tips. You can also join weekly challenges and practice conscious living. The WeFast app promotes non-scale victories.  I.e. the victories that are not related to scale- Feeling more energy, More time to do things you enjoy, More self-confidence, Better skin, Better mood, and more. You can also integrate a health kit and track your weight data. However, WeFast is free to use. Yet, they offer various in-app purchases including e-books and premium options for the week, month, and year. Still, the WeFast app is only for iOS users. 

Download- iOS

20. Window-Fasting Tracker

Window: best fasting app The Window app is one of the best apps for IF fasters. They have both free and premium app versions. You can easily keep track of your daily fasting. The free app version offers to track your fasting/eating patterns and calorie intake. It is also easy to set your own schedule. You can set your health goals, set fasting timers, and get notifications.  The window app is also easy to sync with the Apple Health app, SIRI, and Apple Watch. The free window users can get access to health blogs and learn from leading nutritionists.  As for the premium version, the app users get to combine intermittent fasting programs. In this, they can switch between fasting plans to get desired results. You can also create an individual meal plan, track health progress, and get a nutrition and mood tracker.   It also allows you to accept health challenges and receive personal statistics. Free users get only two fasting plans, while premium users get up to eight fasting plans and unlimited weight tracking.  Though, the window app is free to use. It also offers monthly and yearly subscription offers to get access to premium features. 

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21. Zero- Best Fasting App

zero: Best Fasting App The success credit of the Zero app goes to its expert team, elaborated app design and functions, and user-centric approach. The Zero app got featured in Women’s Health, The Tim Ferriss Show, and more. The health app focuses on weight loss routine and metabolism health. It has both free and premium app versions. Which provides users with expert guidance, personalized insights, advanced tracking, and goal-oriented fasting plans.   Apart from basic IF features, the Zero app follows a holistic approach that focuses on the overall health of users. It includes managing various health facets, such as sleep health, exercise, hormone health, hunger management, and more. The most common fasting approach includes-

  • 13-hour Fast,  researched by Dr. Satchin Panda, 13-hour/“Circadian Rhythm Fast” 
  • 16-hour Fast/ the 16:8 Intermittent Fast
  • 18-hour Fast/ 18:6 for more advanced fasters.
  • Other popular fasts include OMAD
  • 20:4 Fast
  • Custom prolonged fasts up to 7 days

You can integrate Apple Watch or Apple Health apps and track weight data. You can also accept challenges and improve your IF journey. 

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How to Choose the Best Intermittent Fasting Method for Yourself?

Nowadays, you can find many best intermittent fasting apps on the market. You must be wondering which app I should download.  Have no worries! It’s simple and easy to decide. First, look at your schedule, set your health goal, and decide which works best for you. Before deciding on the IF app, decide whether the IF schedule is good for your lifestyle. It also depends on whether you’re a beginner or experienced faster. 

Let’s discuss the right IF schedule based on your lifestyle- 

  •  5:2 type of Intermittent Fasting- It is best for people with strict schedules. It is easy to observe fast for two days and eat for the rest five days. Since it is considered the most flexible way of reducing fat. Beginners can also follow it. 
  •  Alternate-day Fasting and 24-hour Fasting- Experience and goals are feasible for people who have WFH or flexible schedules. For experienced fasters, you can opt for a rigid fasting method. Thus, will work well for you. Further, you must consult your doctor first. 
  • 16:8 Fasting- It is a game-changer for beginners with flexible schedules. You can also follow the circadian rhythm for more effectiveness. Since the 16-hour fasting time includes nighttime, it will be a simple and smooth journey for you. 

As for choosing the best free Intermittent fasting apps, there are plenty. Few IF app companies provide free and premium versions of numerous apps. Initially, choosing a free app with basic functions would be wise. Later, you can upgrade to premium. 

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Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Apps

Who doesn't want to stay physically fit in today's fast-paced life, when it comes to health, intermittent fasting is an excellent option to opt for. Intermittent fasting not only burns fat to the lean body physique but also works effectively and sharpens memory by enhancing cognitive health. Intermittent fasting has a plethora of health benefits and it is a worthwhile method for reducing body weight, and very helpful in curing diseases. Here are some of the most lucrative benefits of intermittent fasting apps:

Reduce overall body weight: Intermittent fasting is all about the consumption of fewer calories that directly contribute to the reduction of overall body weight.

Lowers the Insulin Level: When a person is not consuming the proper meal in IF, the stored glucose cells get converted into energy which decreases the insulin level in the body.

Enhance cognitive health: Intermittent fasting improves the sleep cycle and it is directly interlinked to the enhancement of cognitive health.

Regenerate healthy cells: Autophagy is the process of removing damaged cells from the body and regenerating the healthier cells. IF uses the stored cells in the body to convert into energy that automatically leads to the regeneration of healthy cells.

How Does Cost Affect Development of an Intermittent Fasting App?

Intermittent apps are not like other apps. They are quite different from other health apps. Nowadays, IF apps are trending worldwide. Displaying exact results and in-depth analysis is essential for such health app services. These are also success-determining factors.  Before developing any app, you need to acquire the necessary licenses. Also, association with health experts is also important. Any fundamental intermittent app needs various trackers. These trackers affect the cost significantly.  Besides, other common factors also play important roles. Such factors are mobile app development company location, app complexity, functionality, number of features, and many more.  Further, there is no fixed cost number. Still, if you hire an Indian mobile app development company, the overall cost will be around $15,000 to $25,000 for about 3 to 6 months. It also depends on how unique your idea is.  It must be noted that the cost is directly proportional to the number of features and app complexity. Also, debugging and future updates come under extra essential costs. Hence, they are unavoidable costs. 

How to Selecting the Right Intermittent Fasting App

Adhering to time-restricted eating patterns can be extremely tough, but using IF mobile applications can do alot for you. Before doing intermittent fasting, it is necessary to have complete knowledge about it, but knowing the whole won't be possible as it's extensive. Using an IF mobile app can surely be your life hack by tracking your fasting hours and calorie intake. Timely reminders from these apps can keep you stay motivated and help you stick to your commitments. Selecting the right intermittent fasting app can be very crucial. So, here are some of the key features to look for in intermittent fasting mobile applications:

User-friendly interface: User-friendly interface provides seamless experience and makes it less challenging for users to adhere to their fasting routine. 

Should not be platform-restricted: Platform-restricted apps most oftenly not preferred by users. Single platform development has always had a limited reach as it cannot connect to the maximum audience.  

Customizable fasting plan: Customizable fasting plan based on the user’s target, lifestyle, and preferences helps users achieve their goals and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Tracking tool: Tracking tools help users monitor their calorie intake, water intake, weight, and the most importantly overall progress in achieving their goals, and it also helps them stay motivated. 

Read About: 2024 projections for Mobile Application Development

Summing Up!

In short, regular exercise, yoga, a nutritious diet, and intermittent fasting work together. A stress-free life is also necessary to get the desired results. Many intermittent apps will help you get your health back. You still need to talk to your doctor for better results. It is true that “Health is Wealth.” a sick person can not do anyone any good. Only a healthy person can make their life better. With health apps like intermittent fasting apps, you don’t need to worry about anything.  Further, you can have the best apps for calorie intake, a meal plan, deciding on the eating pattern, or updating your food diary. They are more than the fat-burn indicators. Also, their easy-to-read graphs motivate you & tell you exactly how many calories you’ve burned. Hence, you can have fewer calories on fasting days and track your fasting. Further, many intermittent fasting mobile app services are proposing new features to provide the best services. As for entrepreneurs, it is the best time to build an free intermittent fasting app for lose weight. You only need to find an experienced intermittent fasting app development agency. Strategic planning will also help you turn your app idea into reality. 

Free Intermittent Fasting App: FAQs

Q1. Is there any free fasting app in the market?

There are many free fasting apps for lose weight in the market. BodyFast, Fastient, Fastic, and many more apps have free versions. However, the subscription plan is for detailed analysis and other premium features. 

Q2. As a Beginner, which fasting app is good?

As a beginner, it is wise to start with a simple IF method. Apps like Simple, Ate, Clear, Vora, and Window (for women) provide the best experience. You must choose the basic plan to start. Later, you can subscribe to the premium version. Besides, a piece of expert advice is vital too. Many IF apps provide expert consultation like Zero app.

Q3. Intermittent Fasting VS Water Fasting. What’s the difference?

Water fasting is another type of fasting method. Here, you only consume water for days or weeks. However, unlike intermittent fasting, water fasting is bad for health. Besides fat, you also use necessary nutrients, which is harmful in the long term. You also face short-term side effects, like fatigue, weakness, headache, etc.  Further, Intermittent fasting encourages the intake of nutritious food. Hence, you can shed extra fat without compromising your health. 

Q4. What are the best Intermittent Fasting apps for weight loss?

Though, there are differences in opinions. Yet, a few apps top the list. Life fasting Tracker, Fastic, Lose it!, Zero, simple, and Fasting are notable and popular apps worth considering. Further, the DoFasting app is one of the apps that offer workout regimes. 

Q5. Is there any risk or side effects of intermittent fasting?

Yes, you must consider certain things before starting IF. Fasting for a prolonged time has some side effects or complications if you fall under uncertain categories. Still, taking a doctor's or health expert’s advice is wise. Further, you shouldn’t start an intermittent fasting routine; if- 

  • You’re pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You’ve Type-1 Diabetes.
  • You’re under 18.
  • You’re still recovering from surgery or recuperating. 
  • You’ve got a chronic disease or eating disorder.