Startup App Development: Process, Best Practices and Cost 2024

Startup App Development: Process, Best Practices and Cost 2024

Have you heard the phrase, "There's an app for everything?" Well, it's the truth. According to BusinessofApps, there are 3.3 million apps available on the Google Play Store, and the number for the Apple App Store is closer to 2.2 million.

In addition, Grand View Research estimates that the market for mobile apps' apps across different segments will total approximately $567.19 billion by 2030.

Given the popularity of mobile apps, it's not surprising that every business invests in their startup mobile app development. But when it comes to mobile app development, the most frequent issue that comes up is how much it will cost.

This guide will provide the best answer to that question, along with thorough information about the elements that influence the cost of developing apps, the different models of app monetization, the process of developing mobile apps, and ways to reduce the cost of startup application development.

What is Mobile Application Development?

Startup app development company is developing applications that run specifically on tablets and mobile devices, which run on mobile application operating systems, such as Android or iOS. The entire procedure of creating mobile apps involves various phases, like planning, Design, Development, Testing, and finally, deployment. Each stage involves different people who have their own roles and contribute to the successful development of mobile apps.

Businesses can select the platform they want for their mobile app according to their requirements(Native or cross-platform). Below are the most widely utilized mobile application platforms.

  • Android(Native)

  • iOS(Native)

  • Flutter(Cross-platform)

  • Xamarin(Cross-platform)

  • React-native(Cross-platform)

The Startup App Landscape: Trends and Statistics

While the digital landscape continues evolving, the mobile app market is increasing significantly. Here are some vital stats:

  • Mobile app revenues' annual compound growth rate (CAGR) is 19.5 percent.

  • The market worldwide for mobile apps was estimated at USD 206.85 billion by 2022.

  • The CAGR for the mobile application market is forecast to be 13.8 percent between 2023 and 2030.

These figures show the increasing value and possibilities of apps for digital use in today's digital world.

Furthermore, the number of mobile applications on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store is astounding. The number of apps on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store is over 5.7 million, which is the reason for the huge size of the mobile app market. With the number of app downloads worldwide at a staggering two hundred billion dollars, it's obvious that mobile apps aren't only a trend but an absolute necessity.

Best Practices for Mobile App Development

When it comes to startup mobile app development, Following the best techniques is crucial. In this article, we will examine the most important methods to create top-quality mobile apps. From ensuring user accessibility to maximizing performance, find out how to make your applications user-friendly and run efficiently.

Defining Mobile App Objectives

Before beginning startup application development, it's essential to determine the goal and purpose of your project. Without defining your objectives and goals in advance can lead to a chaotic flow of projects and delays in the project's timeframes.

  • Before app development for startups, find out who your target audience is and clearly define the objectives and goals.

  • Do market and competitor research and record users' preferences before making a final one.

  • Consider market trends and available features that can be included in the app to draw an extensive user base.

Identify Platforms (Native Or Cross-platform) For Development

Companies are shifting toward startup application development to provide their users with an identical UI experience and reduce overall costs. The right choice of platform can aid businesses in reaching the intended market.

  • Identify advantages and limitations of Cross-platforms(Flutter, Xamarin) versus native development.

  • Consider performance(Choose native for better performance), platform-specific requirements(Hardware integration, Bluetooth, Sensor-based apps), and developer expertise while choosing a development.

  • Before you choose a cross-platform framework, consider its community and the ecosystem.

Adopt User-centered Design

The user experience(UI) and user interface(UI) play vital roles in the app development for startups. Every mobile platform has its individual UI guidelines, such as the Material Design for Android and HR-related guidelines for iOS. These guidelines help developers keep their users entertained by their applications.

  • To provide a consistent user experience on all platforms, follow the platform-specific UI guidelines for each platform, the Material Guidelines for Android users, and the Human Resources guidelines for iOS users.

  • Prototyping and usability are great ways to get feedback from the end-user before implementing the app, which improves the chances of success.

  • Use the most up-to-date widgets and controls to provide the most enjoyable user experience for native and cross-platform usage.

Focus on App Responsiveness

Mobile phones come in various sizes and resolutions, particularly Android devices since many manufacturers manufacture physical devices running Android OS. Each device has different-sized screens, and an application should look identical on all devices with different screen sizes.

  • Utilize versatile layouts(constraint layouts on Android as well as auto-layout on iOS) and scalable assets for the same user experience across devices of different sizes.

  • Test your applications on various emulators and physical devices to find layout-related issues at advanced stages.

  • Use the cross-platform framework to provide identical users with the same experience on mobile devices.

Performance Optimization Consideration

Optimizing your application's performance is essential in ensuring users have a seamless and efficient experience. This is particularly true for enterprise applications like banking, medical, and e-commerce, in which performance plays an essential role. Take note of the most important points to consider to optimize your application in the best way possible.

  • Limit the use of resources. Try to use the least amount of the best quality. Lower loading times and optimize the code to improve speed and effectiveness.

  • Utilize the most effective techniques and libraries like lazy loading(Glide for Android) and caching or a background process(Coroutine on Android)

  • Use SVG images for visuals to improve your application's performance.

Adopt The Best Codebase Architecture

Adopting a well-designed codebase architecture can help startup app development company manage code more quickly in the future, particularly in large projects for enterprises where many developers are involved. The most popular architectures used in Android and iOS app development that you should adhere to our

  • MVVM, MVC, MVP, and clean architecture are the most commonly employed to build clean and efficient architectures in Android and iOS native, which allows developers to isolate UI data binding and business logic. Cross-platform technology, such as

  • Developers that work across platforms, such as Flutter, typically use clean architectures with block management.

  • Make use of dependency injection libraries to avoid code redundancy within applications.

Prioritize App Security And User's Data Privacy

Data privacy and security are top priorities for users, particularly for applications that handle their data, such as banking apps, social media apps, and other apps. The inability to protect privacy and security also causes apps to be removed from their app stores.

  • To protect and transmit user information through networks, we utilize the most effective security algorithms, encryption techniques, and authentication mechanisms.

  • Use the best security practices, like encryption, when storing information in databases and local storage.

  • Include SSL Pinning to stop network intrusion attacks(man-in-the-middle attacks).

Consider Adding Offline Support

Offline support can help engage users even when the device is unconnected to the internet. Including offline support in mobile apps can provide users with a seamless experience even without the need for an internet connection. There are a few things to consider when offering offline support for startup mobile app development.

  • Implement caching and storage synchronization mechanisms to ensure an unbeatable user experience even offline.

  • You should also consider other strategies, such as pre-fetching, background sync, and data compression, to improve offline performance and reduce data use.

  • Utilize offline support libraries offered by every platform, such as Room in Android and SQLite in Flutter.

Accessibility for All Users

Disability-related users constitute a crucial audience to consider when creating an app since accessibility features allow them to effortlessly access the app's features. Every feature of an app must be accessible to these users.

  • Utilize standards and guidelines for accessibility so that the application is accessible to people with auditory and visual impairments.

  • Use alternative text to describe control elements like images, navigation, and other controls displayed throughout the application.

  • Make sure accessibility is available for all features within the app.

Continuous and Quality Testing

Testing is a necessary procedure that is integral to the startup application development process. It assists developers in finding problems in their applications before they are released to the end users. Proper testing will lead to the smallest number of bugs and an enjoyable experience for the end user.

  • Integrate comprehensive testing techniques into projects like unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end tests.

  • Incorporate automated testing and CICD pipelines to automate deployment, testing, and release processes.

  • Use automation for UI testing to find UI bugs before they occur, and it is faster than manual tests.

App Store Optimization (ASO)

App Store Optimization, or ASO, assists apps in ranking in the top positions based on what users use search engines. Apps that have been appropriately optimized for App Store Optimization (ASO) are more likely to have better installation rates than those not for App Store Optimization.

  • Optimize your store's application by adding related and commonly popular keywords, captivating descriptions, and appealing images.

  • Monitor your applications' reviews and ratings and take appropriate action regarding user feedback in the event of serious problems.

  • Adopt paid app ads to increase the number of applications installed and active users.

Regular updates to apps and maintenance

Maintaining the app up-to-date with the latest trends is essential to ensuring that users are engaged with the application. Mobile OS is regularly updated with new features. Supporting these features and compatibility makes it easier for businesses to keep their users' content.

  • Support the latest OS support and backup compatibility with older versions of Operating systems.

  • Recognize users by supplying updates and continuous support for existing features in the app.

  • Ensure that online support tools like chatbots are included, which can provide users with support around the clock.

How to Develop a Mobile App: A Step-by-Step Process

Mobile apps have changed our interaction with technology, bringing convenience, entertainment, and efficiency to our fingertips. Creating mobile apps could be an enjoyable venture for entrepreneurs with revolutionary app concepts or businesses seeking to increase their online presence.

Define Your App Idea

The first step while startup mobile app development is to clearly define its concept. First, you must determine the problem the app is designed to solve or the needs it can fulfill. Do market research to confirm your concept and pinpoint your intended audience. Then, define your application's functions and features, ensuring the user experience is in your mind.

Conduct Market Research

After you've formulated the concept of your app, you must conduct detailed market research to comprehend the market landscape and users' expectations fully. Examine existing apps within your field, determine your strengths and weaknesses, and seek ways to distinguish your app.

Create a Wireframe and Design Mockups

Before beginning the process of startup application development, you should create sketches and wireframes. Wireframes illustrate the app's layout and functions, while mockups offer an in-depth look at the design of your app and its user interface. Utilize these tools to visualize the flow of your app and then tweak the design until you're happy.

Develop the App

If you've developed a concept of the app's design and functions, it's time to start making it. Decide on the most appropriate development strategy according to your app's needs and intended audience.

  • Native Development: Create separate versions of your application to run on iOS and Android with specific platforms-specific languages such as Swift (iOS) or Kotlin (Android). This method provides the highest user experience and performance but takes more time and resources.

  • Cross-Platform Development: Use frameworks, like React Native or Flutter to create a single source code base that can be used simultaneously on iOS or Android. While this will save time and money, it will not provide the same efficiency as native development.

Test Your App

Testing is an essential element of the app development for startups process to ensure that your app is secure and operates as you want it to. Test thoroughly, including usability, functional, and performance testing across various platforms and devices. Get comments from testers who have been beta testing, and refine the app to address any issues that may arise.

Prepare for Launch

Once your app has been created and tested, it is time to prepare for the launch and create an appealing app store listing showcasing the app's benefits and features. Plan a marketing strategy to advertise your app and generate buzz before its launch. Think about offering incentives or promotions to encourage customers to sign up for your application.

Launch Your App

It's time to publish your app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Follow the guidelines each retailer offers to ensure your application meets their specifications. Examine your app's performance and user feedback following launch. Keep working on your app to enhance its performance and user experience.

Mobile App Development Cost

The cost of creating an Android application and developing an iOS application is a matter of opinion. Many factors influence the final cost. However, if you need immediate assistance with a specific question, we will provide a broad price.

The typical cost of designing an app can range between $20,000 and $250,000. However, the final price may exceed the $250,000 threshold if your application is complex.

Knowing this price range is essential for a company. It will allow you to make a well informed choice and have an accurate idea of the costs of developing mobile apps.

Now, you're probably wondering, "Is this it?' Or is it so easy?

In a nutshell, it's not. The range is merely an abstract representation. In our cost analysis section, we'll present tables that separate mobile apps into various types. The first step is to be aware of the aspects influencing the price of app development for startups.

Factors Affecting the Cost of App Design

If we continue to consider every aspect, the list could grow long. Instead of bombarding users with useless details, we have compiled five main factors that impact the price of startup mobile app development.

Check out all the information below.

Operating System

Two operating systems dominate the market for smartphones:

  • Android (71% - market share)

  • iOS (around 28 percent market share)

Both operating systems have a lot of variations. Android is an excellent fit for various manufacturers such as Samsung, Google, OnePlus, and Nokia.

However, iOS is exclusive to Apple smartphones. Therefore, the cost of startup application development depends on the platform you choose. Hybrid development is the best option if you're looking to create an app that works with two operating systems simultaneously.

If you're looking for a more precise explanation, follow these guidelines:

  • Android utilizes Java or Kotlin

  • iOS utilizes Objective C or Swift. Objective C or Swift

Developers skilled in iOS development charge less than developers who develop Android applications. However, the costs of developing an Android application can sometimes be higher than those of its iOS equivalent.

Why? With Android, developers must ensure compatibility with various devices and manufacturers. This could increase the complexity, leading to higher costs for designing apps.

Type of Application

In this case, the word "type" describes the kind of mobile application. Think of successful brands such as Amazon, eBay, Netflix, and Fiverr. Mobile applications fall into various categories.

Here are the varieties you must consider:

  • Social media

  • eCommerce

  • B2B applications

  • Educational

  • Gaming

  • On-demand

  • Applications using D2C

  • B2C applications

Each category or segment has distinct requirements and features. For instance, social media apps concentrate on user interaction with content and community-building features. In contrast, educational apps focus on individualization, quizzes, and elements such as gamification.

Therefore, the cost of mobile app development is slightly different. A Startup app development company must know the intended audience and the needed elements and then plan development activities accordingly.

Complexity Level

Complexity is a factor which can significantly impact the following variables:

  • Development time: An enormous amount of features and integrations require more time for tasks such as testing, coding, and quality control

  • Team strength: If your mobile application is complex, you must have a diverse team of designers, developers, testing developers, content creators, and marketing experts.

  • Debugging: To ensure the correct operation of a multi-feature app, testing has to be precise and thorough

All of these elements result in a higher cost of design. It's also true that it's not always possible to survive in the present market by launching a simple mobile application.

In certain situations, it's essential to build a complex app. You must ask yourself, "What are the most well-known complex applications?

It's true; Genshin Impact, Mint, Pokemon Go, and WeChat are a few examples. In general, the complexity of a mobile app will directly correlate to the cost of startup mobile app development.

Tech Stack

In simple terms, "tech stack" refers to the collection of tools that help create mobile apps. The tools are:

  • Frameworks

  • Databases

  • Programming languages

  • APIs

To use these technologies, you require developers who can use them appropriately. Therefore, developers who are skilled in specific fields typically demand premium prices.

If you opt for platforms that support cross-platform development, such as Flutter, your project will be economical. However, you may face limitations to the features.

Therefore, before launching an application's development, you must choose the appropriate tech stack. The cost of developing mobile app development for startups will vary significantly depending on this selection.

Development Partner

The final element that determines the price of designing apps is your relationship with the developer. Here are some tips relevant to your developer partner who will affect the cost of app development for startups:

  • Geographical place of operation: An IT provider based in a country with an affordable cost of living could assign mobile developers at affordable costs.

  • Engagement model: Fixed-cost models are great because they ensure predictable pricing. Conversely, hourly contracts provide more flexibility but are difficult to control.

  • Experience: Highly skilled IT companies charge more. They can also develop mobile apps faster and offer top quality.

  • Structure of the team: A solid team can prevent delays to your project. This will allow you to reduce startup application development costs and gain a quicker time-to-market.

  • Support post-launch maintenance and optimization: It may add cost to an app's design. However, these services can be beneficial and can help maintain an excellent brand image.

The best approach to selecting a startup app development company is to evaluate your needs. Are your apps easy or complicated? Do you have enough budget to hire an expert team? Is fast time-to-market essential in your genre?

The answers to these questions will help optimize your startup mobile app development costs. Choose a development partner that offers software development outsourcing services. This will allow you to benefit from the exchange rate differential (subjective) and gain access to the global workforce.

Best Mobile App Monetization Strategies For Your Business

You should be curious about learning your company's best mobile app strategies for monetization to determine the cost of creating an eCommerce mobile application. Here are some of the most efficient ways to earn money:

Business Monetization Model

This is among the most effective monetization strategies for users who would like to use the app to sell goods and services they offer under their brand. You can provide services through monthly payments and annual subscriptions to maintain your customers. You can also offer loyalty points.

Joining Fees

Vendors are welcome to use your eCommerce application to market their products. In return, they will pay a one-time fee.

Subscription Fees

You can charge subscription charges to your customers so that they can enjoy benefits like same-day delivery, exciting offers, and many more.

Commission Fee

You may charge a commission on every transaction to enable buyers and sellers to use your eCommerce app's platform.

Startup App Development


Ultimately, achieving the perfect level of balance in Mobile app development for startups is like walking a tightrope while creating quality, affordable mobile applications. Entrepreneurs are always looking for methods to reach this balance. We've provided a wide range of strategies in this article, from the beginning until the end, for making affordable and practical applications.

Companies can create excellent apps cheaply using agile methods, cross-platform development, and focusing on the most critical aspects. Case studies have offered crucial insight into achieving this balance by demonstrating successful and unsuccessful approaches.

Excellent startup application development at a reasonable cost requires a lot of thought and smart choices. Companies can succeed in the competitive field of mobile applications by employing the right methods and learning from previous mistakes.