How To Develop a Dating App Like Bumble: Cost & Features

How To Develop a Dating App Like Bumble: Cost & Features

Mobile applications have become more powerful and valuable than ever, from ordering food online, booking, learning new languages, or finding partners - to helping we do everything from ordering our favorite foods online, booking taxi rides, or learning new ones. Now, these apps can even help us find their ideal partners! As people search for love online, the online dating app market continues to flourish and expand with each passing year. More people than ever are turning to dating apps in hopes of meeting someone special online - creating more new dating apps every year that everyone from all generations can use! One key feature is its cross-generation accessibility. Dating app development solutions have quickly gained prominence. These applications help users identify compatible individuals to date in real life. Due to hectic lifestyles, however, most need more time or patience for physical dating searches; therefore, many turn to online dating app like bumble in search of compatible partners. With thousands of profiles to peruse on these apps alone, one will find their perfect match and form relationships online! Bumble is a location-based app that enables users to browse its users' profiles. What started as an online dating platform has since expanded into an extensive networking platform with 100 Million registered users across six continents.

Bumble Marketing Strategy

Bumble's digital platform marketing initiatives center on social media; here, we shall examine how its marketing strategy to build a dating app like bumble is increasing in popularity.

Social Media Marketing

Bumble's marketing strategy revolves around social media. The online dating app hosts multiple accounts across various social networks. It provides its users with engaging, consumable content that's enjoyable. Overheard Bumble is a social media account created and run by Bumble for users' app conversations, screenshots and dating quotes, dating quotes, and other random items. Bumble also follows proper branding guidelines across its social media pages by keeping its signature Yellow hue and brand icon color consistent. Bumble's users have been responding positively to Bumble's social media campaigns by sharing app chats from Bumble with them and posting them online, creating engaging experiences on social media while drawing in new users who see fun posts about Bumble app downloads.

Social Media Campaigns

Our Social Media Campaigns aim to capture those unique social interactions on the platforms through exciting posts that generate engagement on both existing users and attract new ones who might want to use our app! Bumble runs several social media campaigns to build stronger communities. One such hashtag campaign was #HowWeEqual, which sought to encourage equality in relationships; another hashtag in the same campaign, called #DatingJustGotEqual, also exists within this initiative. This brand utilized hashtag campaigns to build awareness for their app. At the same time, many influencers and celebrities joined this effort by sharing personal experiences in relationships. A notable COVID-19 campaign ran under this name was: "Love will find a way." Bumble recently conducted a campaign promoting romance, hope, resilience, and virtual connections during lockdown periods. Their app users showed increased dating interest when experiencing lockdown conditions (83% more likely to use Bumble during such times).

YouTube Marketing

Dating apps have also taken advantage of YouTube marketing to promote themselves by posting videos with dating tips, commercials, and other material relating to dating and relationships. The Bumble app has also found a way to engage a wider audience. In December 2020, they debuted their new talk series, dating these days.

Event Marketing

Brands looking to increase their reach may use event marketing as an avenue. Bumble utilized this tactic successfully in attracting tens of thousands of new users to its online dating platform.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is an incredible way of creating brand recognition among niche audiences of influencers. Bumble utilizes influencer marketing by posting the content created by its influencers on its social media pages; many well-known influencers promote Bumble by sharing their experiences through links from Bumble's app page.

Steps for Building an Dating App like Bumble

To understand how to develop a dating app like bumble, it's necessary to examine its steps.

Conduct Proper Market Research

Mobile app development market is highly competitive. There are thousands of apps on both the App Store and Play Store, but only some prove profitable. Successful app creation in this segment requires conducting in-depth market research and analysis. You must know your target audience and understand their preferences to market the app to them effectively.

Create a Sustainable Business Model

Successful businesses in this segment typically rely heavily on subscription plans to fund operations; Bumble offers two subscription plans known as "Boost" and "Premium." Although their costs differ between countries, feature offerings remain constant. A freemium business model is any business model whereby the core app is free, with additional features paid for as part of a subscription service. Monetizing your app using ads or an ad-free paid version might also work. Still, these methods often dilute the premium experience of the app, and you should explore alternative approaches, such as freemium models instead.

Develop the App

We must understand the fundamentals of app development to develop a dating/profile browsing app. Your needs will heavily determine this process; depending on their features, you may require experienced freelancers, or outsourcing dating app development services from an app development company might be needed for completion. Once you know which features and internals of an app are essential, hiring UX/UI designers to create a working design prototype will allow for further tweaks that make your product user-friendly and appealing. When your design is ready, it's time to pass it off to Bumbles' front-end development team, who will bring it to life. Bumbles' front end stands out as one of its distinctive features. Once your front-end design is approved, back-end developers must be brought on board to create the app's inner workings. This may involve employing similar or better algorithms than those found in Bumble to give an edge against competitors.

How Bumble Uses AI

Artificial Intelligence, or "AI," is integral in modernizing apps. Bumble's "Private Detector" uses AI to detect unsolicited content, such as pictures, allowing its recipient to view or block it based on 98% accuracy. These features have become standard fare in apps, and integrating AI is one way of doing just that. To achieve this goal, AI engineers would be necessary in your team; these professionals would collaborate closely with back-end developers on AI features for your app's back-end development team to design such features. Use cases of AI integration include Bumble dating and networking app as an example:

  • Private Detector identifies and blurs content deemed offensive, giving users the choice of viewing or ignoring it.
  • To protect users' safety, many services have implemented security features powered by AI to reduce spam and ban spammers.

Before Launch, You Need to Test Your App

To ensure the app operates as desired and as anticipated in every scenario, professional app testers will need to be part of your team to conduct various kinds of tests on it:

  • Functional Test: Validating software systems against requirements.
  • Usability Test: Assessing app usability by engaging simulated users as demo subjects.
  • Compatibility Test: Determining whether the app functions across various operating systems.
  • Performance and Load Test: Simulate multiple users accessing the app at once to test the performance of the application.
  • Security Testing: Verifying whether it can withstand potential attacks by hackers.
  • Installation Testing: Installation testing involves verifying whether the software has been properly installed with all its features intact and operates effectively within its intended region.
  • Localization Testing: Testing whether the app functions appropriately within a locality environment
  • Manual Testing: Manual testing refers to software testing in which a tester runs all test cases manually without using automated tools.
  • Automated Testing: Automated software testing involves running test cases automatically by a computerized tool, similar to how a human tester would.
  • Mobile Device Testing: Testing whether an app works as expected on different mobile devices is also called testing.

Launch the App

Once Your App Is developed now that your app has been developed and tested, it's time to launch it on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Make sure you select the appropriate categories when publishing the app for sale. Marketing an app before and after its release is vital to ensure people know what to expect from it and target the correct audience.

Marketing Tips

Make sure your app is appropriately promoted when first releasing it; these could include:

  • Offering free trials of premium subscription plans.
  • Providing one-time use rewards and bonuses.
  • Targeting niche audiences.
  • Showcasing your app in app stores/ Play stores.

Key Features to Consider When Creating Dating App like Bumble

To build a dating app like bumble that stands out, its features must be both unique and compelling. However, to meet market standards, you should also include some essential Bumble mobile app features in its development. So let's discuss them now.

User onboarding and Authorization

After users log in with their mobile number or Facebook account, they are given an onboarding experience designed to familiarize them with the platform and ease them into it. Furthermore, an authorization feature authenticates each new user before beginning the profile setup.

Profiling Setting and Editing

Establishing and editing user profiles in an online dating app is a necessity. Here, users can fill in all their essential details, such as likes, preferences, hobbies, interests, etc., and bio details. For ease and to save users' time, apps must provide users with an option to integrate relevant data from social networks such as Instagram or Facebook directly into them - this will save them both time and give them greater ease.

Left-Right Swipe

When creating a dating app like Bumble, having a left/right swipe feature is essential for users. Users can swipe right for those they like, while the left is used to navigate away from them quickly. Overall, this swiping system makes matching profiles effortless!

Push Notifications

Push notifications are an integral component of user engagement, alerting the user whenever there is a new match or message from someone. Once this event occurs, they're notified directly about it via push notification.

Private Chat

Attracting users through an effortless chat experience is crucial to developing a good dating app, helping users build connections, and creating relationships. Ensure the chat option in your app offers opportunities such as stickers or GIFs to make communication even more entertaining for users.

Geo Location Tracking

Meeting people from distant countries is difficult. By tracking geolocation, users can narrow their options by only viewing user profiles that belong to an exact location - making it easier to make connections in those places you like!

Cost to Develop an App like Bumble

Various factors can impact the costs of developing a dating app like Bumble, such as its type, developer selection process, and location. These costs vary at each step in the development process and depend on many other variables like the app development process's complexity. Here, we will discuss the cost of making a dating app like bumble depending on its complexity and features. When hiring developers to build one for you, total creation costs start around $20000.

  • Simple: A basic dating app should meet customer preferences by providing them with profiles and an interface to manage them while enabling users to include their interests and mention any choices they may have. Development costs start from $20000.
  • Medium: Dating apps with social media integration and other APIs typically fall within the medium level of complexity, with costs starting around $30000.
  • Complex: Dating apps that offer various advanced features may help users set preferences, select specific people they may like, integrate social media profiles, and use gamification to engage and keep users interested in using the app, giving the best results possible. Construction costs begin around $60000.

Factors Affecting Cost to Develop an Dating App like Bumble

Factors Affecting Cost to Develop an Dating App like Bumble UX Designer Here are some factors affecting the costs to build an dating app like Bumble:

App Platform

As part of your dating app like bumble cost calculations, one of the initial decisions to be made when developing it will be which platform it should run on. Two popular options for dating apps are iOS and Android; each platform offers advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when making this decision based on target audience needs and budget considerations.

  • iOS: When developing for iOS, development costs tend to exceed those for Android due to iOS having a smaller but more profitable market share; iOS users are more likely to make in-app purchases and subscriber subscriptions that can help monetize your app.
  • Android: Building for Android is cheaper than building for iOS due to its more comprehensive market presence and more excellent range of devices and screen sizes available to support.

Design of Your Dating App

Your dating app's design should also play an integral part in understanding its cost to develop; its visual appearance can directly affect user experience and, consequently, the success of your application.

  • Basic design: A fundamental design typically features standard user interface (UI) elements and layouts and is often more cost-effective.
  • Custom Design: Custom designs may cost more to develop, take longer, and require additional efforts from developers. They provide your dating app development services with its identity in the crowded marketplace.

Maintenance and Updates

Costs associated with maintaining and updating an app after its release can also be vital to its successful running, such as fixing bugs and issues, implementing security measures, and adding features or upgrades. These may include fixing bugs, installing security measures, and adding markers or enhancements that enhance it further.


The online dating industry is growing strongly due to the convenience of dating app like Bumble. Bumble makes building relationships simple even during busy lifestyles; users easily meet like-minded individuals through Bumble whom they can get to know better through these relationships. Dating app like Bumble are becoming increasingly popular among millennials, making investing in developing one a sound decision. Unique features are essential for the success of any app - these will draw users in and set it apart from competitors. Just as crucial as focusing on unique features, it is also vital that all basic ones (listed above) are present and implemented successfully. Your relationship with the mobile application development company you hire can make or break your development game; invest in one that offers top-tier services with experienced app developers on staff. Consequently, invest in a dating app development company specializing in top-quality service provision.


1. Which programming languages are typically used to develop apps like Bumble?

Standard programming languages for app development include Python, Java/ Kotlin, and Swift. When looking to monetize my dating app, it will likely rely on languages such as Python/ Java/ Kotlin/ Swift, etc., for its development.

2. Ultimately, I need a way to monetize it!

Various monetization strategies include subscription plans, in-app purchases for premium features, and advertisements.

3. Why developing a dating app could be beneficial?

With revenues and users continuing to expand exponentially, developing one yourself may be worth your while. Hiring a dating app development company and creating your product are excellent strategies.

4. Are App Prototype Pre-Developments Necessary? 

A service provider needs a clear picture of your requirements before being able to implement your ideas effectively, which means having at least a document listing requirements and project objectives before beginning the development of an app prototype.

5. Which technology should I choose for building my dating app?

Selecting the ideal technology to meet your requirements for building a dating app can be a daunting task and is, therefore, crucially important. Take your choices and priorities into consideration with your team of app developers before arriving at an answer that best fits you and your users.