How To Become a Salesforce Developer in 2024

How To Become a Salesforce Developer in 2024

Salesforce is a well-known CRM system that allows businesses to centralize their efforts and build solid relationships with their clients. Specific organizations might have staff members who assist in maintaining their business's Salesforce platform, for example, developers.

You will likely find all the answers when you go through this article. In 2019, Salesforce was named the most extensive CRM globally. This position has been in place for six years. Over this time, 150,000 well-known organizations have created jobs for 3.3 million people, which is expected to continue until 2024.

Understanding more about this field of work and how you can explore it can aid you in deciding whether it's the right choice for you. This article will define what a Salesforce developer is and what they do. Describe the steps to becoming a Salesforce developer, outline some crucial skills to learn, and discuss these professionals' compensation and prospects.

What is a Salesforce Developer?

Let's first concentrate on identifying - what exactly is the definition of a Salesforce developer? , a Salesforce developer can be described as a programmer who develops a Salesforce application for different PaaS (Platform as a Service) platforms.

The developers are familiar with Salesforce work and inquiries. A client or a customer employs the developer to modify Salesforce to suit the company's requirements. The developers are responsible for managing and optimizing the technical aspects of the enterprise's Salesforce instance. 

This is done to achieve business objectives through custom Salesforce development. They typically work on three different technologies:

  • Apex: The exclusive programming language used by Salesforce, which has many similarities with Java

  • Visualforce: A markup language that is used to create personalized Salesforce pages. It is similar to HTML.

  • Lightning Component Framework: supports user interface development with the same interface as Angular React and JS.

With these tools, salesforce developers can create custom processes and applications that work with Salesforce. The principal task of developers is to design visual layouts that integrate with other platforms.

7 good reasons to be a Salesforce Developer

The reality that Salesforce jobs are often given mentions in this manner indicates the incredible opportunities they offer, and it is evident that Salesforce development is an excellent choice. For some reason, Salesforce Developer is such a perfect career choice.

1. Utilize world-class technology

Salesforce has been the most popular CRM platform. It has seen an average annual growth of 25% over the last four years and aims to double its growth in the next four years.

A significant portion of this expansion is because of the creation of new Salesforce jobs, estimated at 3.3 million job opportunities by 2022.

As the digital revolution continues to take place all over the globe, with no industry left unaffected, the demand for cloud experts is likely to increase, and those experienced in developing the most well-known CRM system in the world will be highly sought-after.

2. Participate in an exciting, creative platform

Salesforce has existed for more than two decades, yet it's showing no signs of slowing down.

Salesforce makes updates available and revolutionary new capabilities three times per year. The tools available to developers constantly evolve, ensuring that Salesforce remains at the forefront of developments. 

Salesforce is focused on simplifying the lives of its customers, so whatever is happening in the world of technology, you can be assured that it is on the cutting edge. The salesforce team is busy trying to integrate it into the platform.

It's AI blockchain, AI, or serverless computing. Salesforce Developers are never at the bottom of the list in terms of having access to the most cutting-edge technologies to put them to use within their businesses.

If you're a Salesforce developer, you don't have to bother yourself with the infrastructure you're building. The single codebase allows developers to focus on their applications and data and ensure that only the latest capabilities work. It also allows you to apply a business-oriented approach to your solutions that are outside the box and exercise your creativity.

3. You can take advantage of numerous job opportunities

The demand for Salesforce professionals proliferates; it is much faster than the workforce's ability to upgrade to meet it.

This means that Salesforce is now a career market that can be described as a paradise for candidates and a plethora of possibilities in which Salesforce Developer positions outnumber applicants by 4:1.

Averaging 390 new Salesforce Developer positions are created each month across North America, and as businesses try to lure the top talent, skilled developers have much leverage to negotiate the pay, benefits, and working environment they're hoping for.

4. Join an inclusive community

Salesforce has been named among the top ten most desirable companies to work for each of the last four years. Salesforce was named Forbes's World's Most Innovative Company eight consecutive times and placed second on Fortune's 100 Great Companies to Work For(r) List.

It's not just professionals working at the headquarters of Salesforce that Salesforce is dedicated to providing an enjoyable and rewarding job.

The Salesforce community is hot, friendly, and cooperative. The Salesforce community is known as the Ohana community; the Salesforce community comprises employees from within the company, people whom partners employ, customers, ISVs, and freelance Salesforce professionals.

Becoming part of the Ohana is about sharing the values that Salesforce is built upon and embracing the values of trust, growth, and fairness in your daily life. If you're a part of Salesforce, you'll always have assistance, guidance, or a sense of closeness.

Salesforce has been a long-time partner in making this world better, and a large part of its mission is to encourage equal opportunities in technology while ensuring that the fantastic opportunities available to people who work on Salesforce are accessible to all.

And is undoubtedly ahead of many of its rivals in the tech industry on the front of diversity and inclusion. According to our most recent salary survey, women make up three-quarters of the Salesforce community, a significantly more significant percentage than the industry's average.

The year 2015 saw Salesforce put around 3 million to review, analyze, and amend salary levels to end pay discrimination. There's also a wide variety of organizations dedicated to helping women within the community, offering peer-to-peer support and hosting groups for users all over the globe.

The benefits that the tech industry has received off the back of this dedication to equality are apparent. In the tech industry, by and large, the share of female engineers is in the single percentile. In Salesforce, females make up 20 percent of the developers, and the percentage of system administrators is 45%.

5. Potential for high earnings

Last but not least is the massive earnings potential Salesforce Developers enjoy. With Salesforce partners and customers constantly competing for top talent, The market's supply-and-demand problem is causing wage increases.

The median wage for software developers within the US is approximately $85,500. Salesforce developers, however, are paid between $111,232 and $161,418m, depending on their experience, according to our most recent salary survey.

The hourly rate for Salesforce freelance Developers  is also impressive. Contractors can earn between $155 and $70 per hour.

Focusing on specific aspects of Salesforce, such as Sales Cloud or Visualforce, for instance, can increase your earnings potential even more, and earning certifications that net you money can improve your professional value.

6. You can access a wealth of training opportunities

Salesforce is known for offering one of the most extensive educational offerings in the technology field and is cost-free. Trailhead provides an online platform for learning through which future Salesforce experts can learn on their own time and at their location while interacting with a large community of other learners for help and advice.

If you're entering Salesforce new or are looking to improve your techniques and grow in your Salesforce professional career, Trailhead has specialized training pathways for all levels of experience, as well as every product and every job.

Trailhead users can earn points and badges; if they wish to improve their resume, they could get official certifications - certificates highly sought-after by employers and will significantly increase their salary.

Salesforce is a system that's constantly evolving. Through the development of Trailhead, the company has committed to helping the community to grow along with it.

7. Multiple pathways into the ecosystem

Many see technology as a specialization only available to a select few; however, Salesforce is much more easily accessible than you imagine.

There's a widespread misconception regarding programming that you must be a math genius to be proficient at it. In the case of cloud-based applications, it's not the case.

With the abundance of free training available through programs like Trailhead, There are few obstacles to making a successful career in Salesforce, regardless of whether you're hoping to get an entry-level position like Architect or developer.

Salesforce Developers utilize an object-oriented programming language, Apex, comparable with Java and C#. If you're familiar with using these languages or have a basic understanding of SQL or HTML, You'll have an essential advantage in learning how to create Salesforce applications.

Employers don't care about how you came to your Salesforce knowledge; whether you're a college tech graduate, an avid Trailhead fan, or acquired Salesforce through other roles, they require a practical, hands-on understanding of the platform. If you have this, you'll likely have an enviable career as a Salesforce developer. 

In response to the urgent requirement to increase the number of Salesforce talent, you can enroll in programs to help you get up to speed quickly, such as Revolent.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Salesforce Developer

It is evident that the responsibilities of the role of a Salesforce Developer are in line with the roles and duties of other developers who are professionals; however, for more clarity and completeness, we'll look at them in their context within Salesforce its features:

  • Determine users' requirements, create tests, and develop software that can meet those requirements.

  • Create Salesforce solutions and design efficient project plans. Bring value to the three phases of the project: creation, development, and deployment.

  • Offer new software updates for the customer's existing app programs, systems, and software.

  • Be aware of the evolving technological and business landscapes, also part of Salesforce. The Net/Java platform then changes with the evolving landscapes of Salesforce and Net/Java platforms.

  • Create every component of a necessary application or system, and then think about how these parts will work together.

  • Develop and implement programs that can be accessed via the Internet and also for internal users on the company's intranet.

  • Find out if there are any inconsistencies in the accuracy of the information and develop processes to beat any possible system flaws.

  • Follow the example of other programmers by developing various diagrams and models (for instance, diagrams and flowcharts) to guide users in writing necessary software code.

  • Record every aspect of the entire list of systems and applications to be used for maintenance and upgrades.

  • Check that the program can perform typically during regular software maintenance and testing.

  • Join forces with other computer experts to develop the best software.

How can I develop into a Salesforce designer?

Take these steps to become a Salesforce developer:

1. Pursue a degree

You must earn at least an undergraduate degree. Choose a field such as computer science, software engineering, math, or related. Most Salesforce developer positions require a bachelor's degree, but obtaining a master's in a related field can give you more chances or make you stand out against other candidates.

2. Earn Salesforce certifications

Get the official training from Salesforce to obtain the appropriate certificates. This can help you improve your understanding of Salesforce Admin and demonstrate your skills to prospective employers. The most popular certifications you can earn are:

  • Salesforce Certified Administrator

  • Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator

  • Salesforce Certified App Builder

  • Sales Cloud Consultant

  • Service Cloud Consultant

3. Use Salesforce

Find ways to incorporate Salesforce into your daily routine. Salesforce into your everyday routine. It can help you understand various ways to utilize the platform and your client's requirements. For example, you can use Salesforce to track documents related to a specific project.

4. Find out more about Salesforce

Look for resources that can assist you in understanding Salesforce as an application platform. Consider taking an online course on Salesforce and then review tutorials that cover Salesforce development, including its programming language, Apex. It could also be beneficial to intern with the software Development Company to prepare you to work on Salesforce and development.

5. Join Salesforce Stack Exchange

Take a look at getting involved in and joining the Salesforce Stack Exchange. This site lets you look up queries to help answer any queries regarding Salesforce development. It also has an evaluation system depending on the type of query you are searching for, which enables you to determine potential areas of professional growth you could pursue.

6. Meet Salesforce professionals

Join a Salesforce Developer Community Group. Find online groups to join, and research local groups that frequently meet in your area. It could provide you with an additional group of people to seek guidance on coding or aid you in understanding jobs.

7. Get a PDI Certification

You can earn a different Salesforce certification called"PDI" or the Salesforce Platform Developer I (PDI) Certification. This certification proves you are proficient in developing and deploying the customer's interfaces and business logic using Salesforce's Lightning Program—programming vs declarative techniques and extending this Lightning Platform using Visualforce and Apex. 

After you have earned this, you can pursue a Salesforce Platform Developer II (PDII) certification. This advanced programming level is compatible with the Salesforce Platform and data modeling.

8. Find an instructor

Find an expert mentor who will guide you through Salesforce and guide you through your way through career progression. Meet with people in your circle to locate someone to mentor you. Find someone whose professional interests align with your goals.

9. Consider the possibility of Scrum certification

It would be best to consider obtaining a Scrum certification, like a Professional Scrum Master. The certification shows that you're knowledgeable of agile management practices, especially when it comes down to the development of software. When you've earned your initial certification, it is possible to take on higher levels of accreditation from the same company.

How to Get into the Industry for Salesforce Development The Next Steps

These guidelines are designed to give practical and practical suggestions for those looking to be Salesforce Developers. Each tip focuses on an important aspect crucial to an effective job within Salesforce development, ranging from understanding the platform to connecting with the community and showing the real-world skills you have developed in solving problems.

Master the Salesforce Ecosystem:

Get deep into the Salesforce platform to understand its strengths, weaknesses, and the best ways to use it. Aspiring Salesforce developers should be adept in Salesforce's exclusive language, such as Apex and Visualforce, and the declarative tools for process automation, like Process Builder and Flow. Understanding the Salesforce ecosystem is vital to creating scaled and easily maintained solutions.

Acquire Certifications and Specializations:

Salesforce provides a variety of certifications that prove your abilities and knowledge. Acquiring Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I and II certifications can significantly increase your marketability and credibility. Particularizations in Salesforce Integration, Lightning web Components, and Salesforce Integration can set you apart from your competitors.

Develop a Problem-Solving Mindset:

Salesforce Development is all about developing solutions to complex business issues. Develop a mindset that searches for the best and most efficient ways to tackle these issues in Salesforce. Salesforce platform. This requires much ability to think critically and to break down complicated requirements into small tasks that can be managed.

Embrace Agile Development Practices:

Salesforce development is often based on agile methods. Learn the fundamentals of the agile principles and how you can implement them within the Salesforce context. This includes continuous development, iterative integration, delivery, and testing-driven development. Being agile can help you adapt to change and provide more value quickly.

Engage with the Salesforce Community. Salesforce Community:

Salesforce's Salesforce community is lively and welcoming. Join forums, community events, or user groups. Connecting with the community will provide you with information that will keep you up-to-date with industry trends and connect you to potential mentors and employers.

Build a Portfolio of Real-World Projects:

Experience gained through hands-on work is precious. Participate in actual Salesforce projects, whether working as freelancers, volunteering with nonprofits, or collaborating on open-source projects. Portfolios that demonstrate your capability to solve business problems using Salesforce can be a valuable tool to use when looking for employment.

Understand Data Modeling and Management:

Data is the core of each Salesforce application. Get a solid understanding of the data modeling process, management of databases, and strategies for data migration within Salesforce. This understanding is vital to developing efficient software that can meet companies' data needs.

Top 10 Strategies for Salesforce Developers in 2024

As we enter 2024, the world of Salesforce development continues to change with new opportunities and challenges. Salesforce's developer community is at the center of this change in creating forward the development of business-related solutions. 

To succeed in this fast-paced business environment, developers should take a proactive approach by focusing on ongoing learning, skill development, and involvement in the community. This article provides essential strategies Salesforce developers can implement to keep up with the times in 2024.

1. Pursuing Certification in Diverse Salesforce Modules

Salesforce is an extensive network of modules to meet different business requirements. By 2024, it's more essential than ever before for developers to broaden their knowledge. Acquiring certifications in various Salesforce modules does more than broaden your skills. 

But also shows your commitment to professional development. The certifications you earn in areas such as Salesforce CPQ, Marketing Cloud, and Service Cloud can open new possibilities and increase your visibility in a highly competitive job market.

2. Learning New Concepts: Embracing Continuous Education

The world of technology is continuously changing, so keeping pace isn't just a choice; it's a requirement of Salesforce developers. Adopting a culture of constant learning and self-improvement is essential. Take part in online classes, webinars, and even workshops. Salesforce's Trailhead offers a gamified way to help you master new ideas and earn badges. This makes learning fun and rewarding.

3. Sharing Knowledge: Blogging and Online Community Engagement

In the age of online collaboration, sharing data can be a great way to boost your professional standing. Blog posts about your experiences, knowledge, and Salesforce development solutions can position you as an expert. Also, participating in online communities and forums like Salesforce Stack Exchange, the Salesforce Developer Forum, or Trailblazer Community Groups helps you remain connected to your colleagues as you exchange ideas and keep up-to-date with the most recent developments and best practices.

4. Stay Up-to-date with Salesforce News

In a highly competitive field such as Salesforce development, staying up to date with the most recent information and updates is essential. Regularly visit Salesforce's official blogs, join newsletters, and follow the top thinkers and influencers via social networks. Being aware of the latest new features, updates, and roadmaps can aid in anticipating shifts and modifying your strategy accordingly.

5. Enhancing Interpersonal Skills: Becoming a Team Player

In the world of collaboration in Salesforce development, being a solid team player is just as important as being a proficient coder. Create a collaborative work environment by listening, providing constructive feedback, and showing the willingness to assist colleagues. 

Take advantage of the different perspectives of your colleagues and work to discover new solutions, which will ultimately contribute to results for your initiatives.

6. Refining Programming Skills: The Core of Innovation

The core of Salesforce development is the capacity to program and implement complex business solutions. As Salesforce's platform develops and evolves, so does the demand for solid programming skills. 

No matter what it is, Apex, Visualforce, or Lightning Web Components, committing your time and energy to hone your skills in coding is crucial. Engaging in code challenges, contributing to open-source initiatives, and even creating your apps can significantly increase your proficiency in coding.

7. Improving Communication: Bridging the Distinction between Leaders and Clients

Effective communication is an essential ability for every Salesforce developer. When you're discussing technical aspects with your team members or presenting a proposal to high-level executives, A clear and concise message will set you apart; try to translate technical terms into an  

Participating in open-source projects can be the best way to sharpen your abilities, work with other developers around the globe, and contribute to your community. It's also an excellent opportunity to make your work known and be a part of projects that can be useful to many users. 

Connect with the Salesforce community of developers through platforms such as GitHub and participate in projects that align with your expertise and interests.

9. Mastering New Technologies and Integrations

Salesforce isn't an isolated platform. It is often integrated with other technologies and systems. To stay ahead of the curve, you must learn about new technologies that will enhance your Salesforce abilities. Whether learning about AI or blockchain technology or how to integrate other platforms, having a broad knowledge base can make you an indispensable contribution to any team or project.

10. Developing Business Acumen: Understanding the 'Why' Behind the 'What'

As a Salesforce developer, recognizing the business consequences of your work could dramatically enhance its impact. Make an effort to learn about how business functions work and the obstacles and goals of your customers or the company you work for. This broader perspective will allow you to create solutions that satisfy technical requirements and produce accurate business results.

Salesforce developer skills

The most essential skills you need to acquire to be a Salesforce developer are:

Thinking analytically:

Analytical thinking is the ability to think about an issue critically and determine the most effective steps. This allows developers to better understand their customers' or employers' requirements to create the right software for them.

Attention to detail:

Attention to detail is a critical factor in an individual's ability to complete their tasks precisely and spot any potential flaws. Professionals need to recognize potential issues that can be fixed throughout the process, thus preventing future problems.

Communication skills:

Communication skills encompass the abilities needed to share, accept, and process data. Developers must have good communication skills to comprehend requests, explain how the application works, or give their colleagues instructions.

Computer skills:

Computer skills are related to the technical skills required for computer programming. This is among the most essential skills needed by professionals. Knowing techniques like Apex, Lightning Component Framework, and Visualforce is crucial.


"Creative" refers to the ability to develop creative solutions to issues. Professionals need to think about problems differently and find ways to address them.

Interpersonal abilities:

Personality skills are the ability to aid people in understanding each other and collaborating effectively. These abilities allow the Salesforce development team to band together to find solutions.


It is the capability to analyze the problem and develop the appropriate solutions. It's essential for Salesforce designers to respond effectively to issues and address any problems.

Programming skills:

Programming skills are the technical abilities required to code and develop software. It's advantageous for these professionals to be familiar with several programming languages and elements like Bootstrap, jQuery, C#, SQL, and JavaScript.

Salesforce Developers Salary - Latest Trends 2024

The salaries of Salesforce developers can differ by several factors, which include:

  • Expertise: The more experience you have, the better your earnings will likely be. Beginning developers are likely to earn between $60,000 and $75,000 annually, while mid-level developers can make anywhere from $80,000 to $120,000. Senior developers can earn $120,000 to $150,000 or higher.

  • Locale: Salaries tend to be higher in cities with larger populations and metropolitan areas with abundant tech-related talent. For instance, a Salesforce developer located in San Francisco might earn more than a developer in a smaller city.

  • Size of the business and industry: Larger companies and those working in high-tech sectors generally pay higher than smaller businesses or those operating in less competitive industries.

  • Certifications and skills: Having specialized skills that include having experience with particular Salesforce programs or certificates will also help you increase the potential of your earnings.


The career path of a Salesforce Developer in the year 2024 will be characterized by a dedication to lifetime learning, engagement in the community, and continual improvement of skills. 

When they embrace these methods, Salesforce developers can not only meet the challenges of the constantly changing landscape but also take advantage of its opportunities and propel their careers to greater levels. Prospects are brighter for people ready to share ideas, innovate, and expand in the ever-growing Salesforce ecosystem.

Salesforce Developers are in great demand by 2024. To be a Salesforce Consultant or Salesforce Architecture Consultant, you must be patient, as learning skills and achieving expertise require exposure to the real world. It is the same for every candidate. It requires time.

On the planet in the world of Custom Salesforce Development Services, the task force of developers plays the most crucial role. For those new to Salesforce, there are plenty of possibilities, and there's likely no limit to the right candidate.

The advice and steps mentioned above can help you get your first job as a Salesforce Developer shortly. 


1. How long will it take to become a Salesforce developer?

Getting a position as a Salesforce Developer may be different, but typically, it can take 1 to four years. If you have backgrounds in software or other technical fields, getting the essential Salesforce knowledge and certifications can take up to 1 year.

People who are just beginning to learn programming require additional time, ranging from 4 years, to acquire the fundamentals and gain hands-on experience and certificates. Regardless of your background, taking advantage of tools like Trailhead, which is Salesforce's platform for learning, and participating in real-world tasks are essential. The timing of the project is flexible and based on the individual's willingness to education and the opportunities to develop inside Salesforce. Salesforce ecosystem.

2. What are your primary motives for being a Salesforce developer in 2024?

Salesforce development uses methods based on queries that are stored within the system. These queries assist in retrieving the information from the company's information. The primary reason for newcomers to select Salesforce

  • You don't want to develop from scratch

Lightning Platform has many ready-made components for development that dramatically simplify the work of developers.

  • Do you like to dive into a customer's business?

Salesforce development involves analyzing a client's business processes. Furthermore, knowing the customer's business needs will be an element of your job and impact your career advancement.

  • You enjoy both front-end and back-end development.

Developers of Salesforce apps work with the servers and develop user interfaces.

3. What will it cost to become a Salesforce Developer in the year 2024?

Salesforce Certification costs vary based on the test level. Beginning exams cost $200, while Architect tests cost $400.You can visit Salesforce's Salesforce official site to find out the cost for each certification, eligibility requirements, and other specifics. Certain companies will also help you complete the certification program, and you can contact them regarding certification and training.

4. Do you require an education to be a Salesforce Developer?

A college degree is optional to become a Salesforce Developer. Although a college education in computing science or a related field can give you an excellent theoretical basis, Salesforce's Salesforce community values practical abilities and certifications.

Numerous highly successful Salesforce Developers have forged their careers by gaining experiences in the field, self-study, and Salesforce's Trailhead Learning Platform. 

Acquiring Salesforce certifications will significantly boost an individual's credibility and show their competence to employers. In a world where employers value the ability and expertise of employees, a commitment to continuous education and being up to the latest capabilities of Salesforce is as crucial as formal education.

5. Are you a Salesforce developer, an excellent career choice?

Since Salesforce is a new field within the CRM industry and is rapidly expanding, you can expect an opportunity to make a difference in the future as you become a Salesforce developer. If you are part of the development community and aren't interested in the core programming, you could improve your skills and join this field. 

For those new to the field, it is an essential decision in their professional career; hence, having a thorough understanding of Salesforce, its development work environment, the future of Salesforce, and more is crucial.