Cost to Develop a Healthcare app

Cost to Develop a Healthcare app

Medical facilities are becoming more expensive, and demand for digital solutions has exploded globally. The costs of developing healthcare apps are rising along with the rest. The development budget has increased dramatically in the last 10 years and is expected to continue rising. The cost to develop healthcare app is increasing because of the complexity of the process, the need to comply with security regulations, and the proliferation of new technology. Implementing a project in a way that fits some is only possible. It is important that your product solves problems for your business and provides value to consumers. One full-stack engineering professional may be able to complete a medical application project.

Mobile applications are used to deliver healthcare services. Healthcare apps are becoming increasingly important for patients and healthcare providers as the demand for efficient and accessible healthcare services increases. Today's healthcare apps development solutions provide various services, but there is room for improvement. The demand for seamless healthcare solutions is increasing exponentially due to the large number of mobile device users. By 2028, the global patient engagement space could be worth up to $32 billion. App development in healthcare aims to create a sophisticated, fast, cost-effective information delivery infrastructure to reduce process costs.

Market Overview of Healthcare Industry

Are you aware of how rapidly the digital health industry is growing? According to the latest survey, this industry is predicted to reach an amazing 660 billion dollars by 2025. Unsurprisingly, businesses and investors have invested over 21 billion dollars in digital healthcare projects during the last two years. The use of healthcare apps has also exploded. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic is a major factor in this. Downloads of healthcare apps have increased by 60%.

You can look at the statistics to see if you still need convincing about mobile health app popularity. Statista reports that in Q1 2020, there were 52,565 apps for healthcare and medical purposes on the Google Play Store, compared to 51,370 apps available on Apple's App Store. It's not surprising that healthcare professionals and companies are investing in the development of cutting-edge mobile healthcare applications. Soon, the market's growth is expected to be further accelerated by the increased emphasis on personal health and fitness and the increased use of smart applications. The demand for mobile apps for health is also expected to increase as the need for digital services and remote monitoring of patients increases.

Services Provided by Healthcare Mobile App

It is important to note that the healthcare industry does not only consist of doctors prescribing medications to their patients. You need to ensure that all health-related issues are addressed when you research what you can include in a healthcare application for people. Healthcare apps are about more than just appointments or medicines.


The very simple type of healthcare app has changed the consultation process with a doctor. While waiting in long lines and being unable to see a doctor is a shared experience, it has become much easier for us to open an app, book an online appointment, and then see your doctor. The cost of building an online doctor app is a worthwhile investment when you consider the benefits that come with online appointment booking.


Healthcare app development companies might suggest including medicine delivery in your app. You can either have your medicines delivered based on a prescription or get your regular medicine delivered to your door.

Pathological Aid

This aspect of medical app development is also included in the cost to develop healthcare app. These apps are designed to help their users. Now, you can do pathological testing at home. You can book an appointment to have the tests performed at home.

Vitals Monitoring

If you have serious health issues, having your doctor monitor your vitals daily is impractical. These apps can help you keep track of your health. You can upload the device's vitals readings to the app and check them. This could be a profitable future as devices and apps may exist that will take all your measurements.

Fitness Tracking

Mobile apps are in good hands as people become more aware of their health and fitness. Apps that give hints about fitness and health are becoming popular among people who want to improve their situation.

Diet & Nutrition

Your diet indeed has a significant impact on your health and fitness. Knowing what's good for you based on age, body type, and lifestyle would be difficult unless someone watched your diet. You can create niche apps for diet and nutrition that guide your users step-by-step on what to do.


Even in the healthcare industry, the recent pandemic taught us how important it is to network and establish connections. Apps that help connect people with healthcare practitioners and service providers when they are in need, such as the nearest doctors, surgeons, or blood banks, have become increasingly popular.

Deciding the Cost of Healthcare App Development

The world's population is increasingly comfortable accessing top-notch medical treatment on their smartphone. Teleconferencing is a digital trend being well-adopted by healthcare apps. Healthcare apps are designed to improve patient outcomes, provider experience, patient experience and reduce cost. Here is a detailed breakdown of the cost to make healthcare application for various product types.

Cost of Fitness App Development

Fitness apps can act as virtual trainers or potential training partners that keep users accountable and motivated throughout their workout. Apps have several features that are listed below. They can help users to maintain a consistent training routine.


  • Activity Tracker
  • Self-care options and mindfulness
  • Personalized training
  • Multi option logins
  • Direct messaging
  • Notifications

The cost to develop a fitness application depends on the project's complexity and functionality. Developing a fitness application with basic features is usually between $10,000 and $50,000.

Dieting App Development Cost

More than ever, people are more concerned with their health. They want real-time and quick health assessments. Dieting apps have become more popular. Diet tracking apps or nutrition planners usually create diets using the data users enter regularly.


  • Diet planner
  • Alerts and notifications
  • Wearable device integration
  • Reports and Analytics
  • User dashboard

Costs for creating an MVP nutrition planner can range from $30,000 to $60,000. Basic apps usually include features like a user interface, log creation, and an admin dashboard. A medium-complex app with high functionality costs between $55,000 and $131,000.

Cost of Developing a Wellness App

The stress factor has increased among people because of the endless screen time and the daily rigmarole. Apps that promote mindfulness can improve our ability to control emotions and reduce stress and anxiety.


  • Sleep tracker
  • You can also read about our Meditation
  • Fitness and productivity
  • Gamification

A wellness app usually costs between $30,000 and $100,000. The cost of developing a wellness healthcare app depends entirely on the features.

Telemedicine App Development Cost

Remote patient monitoring have become the core of digital diagnostics, eliminating distance between doctor and patient. Telemedicine is most effective when distance is a major factor in healthcare delivery.


  • Patient Registration
  • Dashboards dedicated to patients
  • Appointment scheduler
  • Video consultation availability
  • EHR
  • Geolocation
  • Payment gateway

The cost of developing a telemedicine application can vary from $40,000 to $75,000, depending on its functionality and features.

Cost of Database Apps or EHRs

These databases monitor and improve healthcare services and give physicians actionable insight. These apps use predictive analysis to make medical data accessible and assess healthcare services' quality, effectiveness, and appropriateness.


  • Demographic Data Insights
  • Administrative data
  • Health status and risks
  • Medical records of past patients

Developing a database app for healthcare delivery can range from $ 30,000 to $50,000.

Cost of Medical Networking App

Medical networking apps can help to increase communication between healthcare professionals. This is important because physician burnout is rising due to an uneven distribution of services. By using real-time processing of data, physicians can use medical networking apps.


  • Forum
  • News
  • Journals
  • Social Networking
  • Case studies

Building a medical network can range from $30,000 to $60,000. 

Billing App

Billing apps can be an excellent way to keep track of payments and medical bills. These apps allow hospitals to keep virtual receipts to simplify and streamline transactions.


  • Custom bill generation
  • Automated billing
  • Discounts
  • Audit support
  • Credit Billing

Cost to build healthcare app that is fully functional for billing healthcare services can range from $40,000 to $90,000

ePrescription App

The app architecture of digital prescription could disrupt the digital health industry. These apps allow healthcare institutions to share prescriptions between pharmacies and doctors when necessary.


  • Drug database integrated
  • View a large amount of information
  • Reports specific to patients
  • Customized interfaces

EPrescription app costs depend entirely on the complexity and number of features. Developing a digital prescribing app with basic functions can cost between $40,000 and $80,000.

Tips to Keep the Cost of Healthcare App Development Under Control

Businesses are always looking for ways to reduce costs. This includes the cost associated with healthcare app development services. What options do you have?

Cross-Platform Development Tools

Using a single code base across iOS and Android, frameworks such as React Native and Flutter can help save founders up to 1.5 times their budget. Source code can also be reused to create a web app with the same features as the original cross-platform application.

Code Libraries and SDKs

This trend has been repeated innumerable times on our blogs. There's no need to reinvent features and create them from scratch. There are many solutions that you can customize to meet your specific requirements. This applies to standard and advanced options, such as AI image recognition or voice-to-text.

No-Code and White-Label Solution

Another option is to buy a ready-made component and apply your branding with minimal customizations. Then, you can integrate these white-label components into your digital ecosystem by, for example, syncing with a practice management system.

Rapid Prototyping

All custom health apps we develop require prototyping because it allows us to validate an idea without spending money on expensive coding. The prototypes allow us to test UX/UI assumptions and make any necessary edits in the design phase. Code changes require a significant (and sometimes not justified) investment.

Early Involvement in the Development Process

You should never hire a team of competent people and then let them loose. What could happen when they're well-qualified and clearly understand your product vision? In short, a lot. You need to provide feedback right from the start and stay in contact with the team of developers throughout the process. You can also hire a project manager to work on your behalf. As long as your team follows your vision, you don't need to micromanage because that would likely interfere with the creative process, causing delays. You can trust a partner if they are willing to keep you informed.

Thorough Test

The development partner is responsible for QA. You can still verify everything yourself. Early detection of bugs is much more cost-effective and easier than waiting until the final release to fix them. Also, make sure developers perform retrospective tests to avoid previously found bugs from reappearing.

Multidisciplinary team

You can ensure fluidity in the development process by working with a team that includes in-house design, development, and QA talent. The cost of developing medical apps is controlled because there's less back and forth.

DevOps Best Practices

DevOps is a practice that allows developers to work on the actual features of their applications. At the same time, automated DevOps systems test and compile new app versions. This time can be used to code new features while automated DevOps tools compile and test.

Cost Optimization During Maintenance

We can reduce the costs of a maintenance cycle if we integrate automated platforms to monitor issues, collect user feedback, and track user engagement.

Ensure HIPAA and Other Compliance in Healthcare Mobile Applications

HIPAA compliance for mobile healthcare applications is necessary to protect patient privacy and maintain the confidentiality of their health data. Is an administrative regulation that aims to protect the electronic health information of patients (e-PHI). HIPAA mandates that all healthcare providers, including developers of healthcare apps, implement administrative, physical, and technical measures to combat fraud and other breaches of confidentiality. Compliance is challenging for startups, as it can be difficult to determine if they are fully compliant. While HIPAA compliance is essential for anyone looking to enter the healthcare industry, other regulations should be considered when creating a healthcare application.


California only, but any business that wants to attract customers in this state must comply with CCPA requirements. This law requires all for-profit businesses to inform their consumers (in this instance, patients) about the private health information being collected. It also instructs them on whether this data will be shared with third parties. According to CCPA, any California resident patient has the right to request that all data related to them be erased.


National Institute of Science & Technology (NIST) has developed a voluntary framework to help businesses protect sensitive data. The NIST guidelines assist private organizations in enhancing their protection within the virtual world and creating proper algorithms to ensure safe communication and resolve problematic situations. It is optional to follow these guidelines, but it can help make your product more appealing to patients and government institutions.


A second act aims to ensure a high-security standard for patient health data within medical networks. It was recently merged with HIPAA. Therefore, complying with HIPAA means that you are also complying with HITECH.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Healthcare App Development

The cost to develop a healthcare app depends on several factors, including the platform, the app maintenance, the hourly rate, the UX/UI, and the hourly rate of the developers. We'll examine these factors and how they affect the cost of developing a healthcare app.

Platform Type

Frameworks for iOS and Android are used to build healthcare apps. The apps can also be developed using hybrid app development and web technologies to develop with the native shell. Hybrid apps are created by adding a layer between the source code and the target platform. Hybrid apps can perform slower than the native or web version of the same application. The platform type will determine the healthcare app development cost. Hybrid healthcare apps can cost as much as $600,000. The cost of creating a native application can reach up to $400,000.

App Support & Maintenance

App maintenance and support also heavily influence medical mobile app costs. The cost of ongoing maintenance can vary from $1,000 per month to $10,000 depending on the complexity and size of the team needed to provide support. The cost of updates can also vary greatly depending on their scope and complexity. Bug fixes and minor features can be added for as little as $500-$1,000, but more complex updates that take time and resources to develop can cost thousands.

UX/UI design

Appearance and feeling are important factors in estimating the cost of developing a healthcare app. All age groups are attracted to healthcare apps. The final cost will be estimated by evaluating the UX/UI features most appealing to the target persona. This includes simple navigation, subtle colors, and easy-to-use UX/UI.

Compliance and Regulation

Regulatory and compliance requirements heavily influence the costs of developing mobile health apps. The safety of patient information is ensured by adhering to these compliance requirements. These standards protect patients from any illegal medical practices. When estimating the cost of developing a healthcare application, it is important to consider all key factors and their security standards.

  • Data Protection and Privacy: Due to the increasing cases of data breaches, security threats, and digital healthcare apps, they must ensure that data is encrypted and protected and not shared with a third party without explicit consent from the user. Apps are required to comply with data protection and privacy laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
  • Regulations for Medical Devices: Apps that involve pharmaceuticals and healthcare must adhere to regulatory bodies like the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA guides healthcare app developers who create apps that fall into the medical device category.
  • Guidelines for Developers of Healthcare Apps: The World Health Organization and the International Medical Informatics Association have issued some guidelines and standards that mobile app developers should follow when developing their applications. These practices prevent the spread of harmful information and practices.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Healthcare applications must adhere to regulations related to marketing and advertising. App developers should ensure their apps don't promote treatments that aren't proven or false claims.

Hourly Rates

The hourly rate for a team developing a healthcare application depends on varying factors, such as the team's location, experience, and skillset. Developers in countries where the cost of living is high, like the United States or the United Kingdom, charge higher rates per hour than those with lower costs.

  • North America (the USA and Canada): $80-$150
  • Europe (UK, France, Italy, etc.): $45-$100
  • Gulf Countries (UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.): $30-$120
  • Asia (India, Russia, Japan, China, etc.): $20-$50
  • Australia and New Zealand: $35 to $150

The Key Takeaway

Not all developers are suited to the development of healthcare applications. If you create a healthcare application and something unexpected happens, it could cause serious problems for the patient or user dependent on the app. It might also result in hefty financial losses. You should partner with an expert and renowned healthcare app development agency to create your healthcare tool. It is important to pay attention to even the smallest features of the app since it is a healthcare application. If you're on a tight budget, you may hire a remote programmer to help you with any extra tasks that arise once development begins. JPLoft has a team of experienced developers who will work on your project. Our healthcare app development services have been carefully curated to ensure you can enter the market with a high-quality product. We want to create a solution tailored to your clientele and customer base. We start with the discovery phase and take steps to develop a health app. Can develop HIPAA-compliant mobile health applications or customized healthcare apps to meet your needs.


1. What factors will impact healthcare app development costs in 2023?

In 2023, healthcare app development cost depends upon many variables that play into its intricate development process, such as its complexity, features, functionalities, and design - these may all play a part in its cost, as will third-party integration, security measures in place to safeguard sensitive medical data as well as expertise held by development team involved.

2. Can you provide an estimated cost range for developing a basic healthcare app in 2023?

Financial outlay typically covers essential features like user registration mechanisms, appointment booking ease-of-use, basic health monitoring functions, and user interface design that prioritizes intuitive navigation and user experience. However, remember that actual project costs could exceed this estimate depending on its exact specifications.

3. What is the estimated development cost range for advanced healthcare apps by 2023?

Assuming you aspire to develop an advanced healthcare app with sophisticated features, 2023 could bring more significant financial investments. Features may include real-time telemedicine capabilities for virtual consultations, seamlessly integrating electronic health records (EHRs) for accessible patient records and comprehensive patient information, AI diagnostics providing enhanced medical insights, and creating secure communication channels between patients and medical practitioners.

4. How does choosing an app platform affect healthcare app development costs?

Selecting an iOS, Android, or compatibility-cross-platform healthcare app development strategy significantly impacts the associated development costs. Opting for a dual-platform strategy typically incurs greater expenses than choosing just one platform exclusively.

5. What are some effective approaches for cutting healthcare app development cost in 2023?

Navigating healthcare app development cost in 2023 should be accomplished carefully by employing cost-cutting measures that could save both effort and money, including adopting cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter that reduce development effort while saving both effort and finances through one solution.