A Ultimate Guide to Develop a Handyman Service App Like Thumbtack

A Ultimate Guide to Develop a Handyman Service App Like Thumbtack

By 2023, it will be apparent that on-demand mobile apps have taken over a large segment of the app market. Online booking is convenient for people, and this includes home service apps. Online booking is available for home services such as cleaning, plumbing, and A/C repair.

Due to the demand for professional home services, on-demand handyman app development for home services are booming. These apps help customers get the services they need by clicking a button.

Statisticians predict the handyperson services market will grow to $1.65 Billion by 2032. This is a constant growth. You can earn a lot of money by investing in a handyperson service.

Thumbtack is one of the most successful handyman apps. It has completed 70 million projects and is recognized for its excellence. Its revenue per year is $74.0 million. This app allows users to search for professionals who provide a particular service.

This app has proven to be one of the most popular service marketplaces since its launch. People are using apps like Thumbtack to make their lives easier. Creating an app with a similar concept is beneficial if you're looking for the top app ideas to generate revenue in 2023.

What Is Thumbtack?

Thumbtack, the largest on-demand platform in the USA, connects service providers from various industries to customers actively looking for their services.

Thumbtack users can find professionals for any task. You can find professionals in all fields using Thumbtack, from cleaning your house to organizing a party.

Thumbtack was born in 2008 when CEO Marco Zappacosta and his partner realized how difficult it could be to find a professional who could help them out.

The company only became successful after some time. Thumbtack's leadership needed help to secure investments, and they had to constantly reevaluate their first approaches to leading the business. Thumbtack has grown to provide more than 1,000 services for customers and allows professionals from all 50 states of the US to earn money using the platform.

Key Stats & Facts: On-demand Home Services Market

Handyman Service App Like Thumbtack

Thumbtack was founded in 2008 and has earned more than 10 million users. Its reported value is now $3.2 Billion. It is one of the most popular handyman applications. There are many other apps and services available on the Internet.

Here are some key statistics about the global household care market.

  • By 2027, the global household care sector's revenues will reach $138.80 Billion.

  • In 2027, there will be an estimated 930.60 million users.

  • By 2030, the global market for on-demand services will reach $14.7 billion.

  • The critical services in the market for on-demand services are cleaning services, maintenance and repairs, and health and well-being, among others.

  • Amazon.com is the leader in the online home service market. Other key players include TaskRabbit and Urban Company.

  • The US home service on-demand market will reach $1.7 billion in 2028 with a CAGR (2021-2028) of 49.4%.

  • 60 % of US consumers prefer to make home service bookings online using a mobile application, while 42 % of subscribers trust subscription-based services.

  • If we are talking about Thumbtack, it has over 200,000 professionals working on it and more than 1000 employees.

The online market for on-demand services is much bigger than we thought. Uber, UrbanClap, TaskRabbit, and Thumbtack are all working hard to increase their quality of service and expand their range. There are many opportunities for growth if you build an app similar to Thumbtack.

Key Factors to Consider before Building an App like Thumbtack

You can develop your app yourself or with the help of Handyman. You can build an impact on the market by focusing on certain factors. These are the factors:

Identify your Audience

For your app to be successful, you must know your target audience. It would be best if you determined which services are most in demand. Which customers are most likely to use these services? How can you help with their questions? You have already won half of the battle after completing all this.

App Design

No matter how advanced your app is, users must be able to use it and enjoy the smooth design to show interest. Poor UI/UX is the common factor in almost all failed apps.

Thumbtack allows users to order services. Graphic design, UI/UX, and user experience are essential. All types of customers will use your home services app, and it needs to have an attractive design that attracts users.

Market & Competitor Research

Market and competitor analysis is the next vital factor to take into consideration. Discover which services are highly competitive and which have little competition. It is easy to begin with services that have low competition.

You need to know what your competitors are offering from the perspective of the competition. Find out what you can improve on your competition. This will allow you to grow your business.

Service Pricing Model

Many apps offer home service services at optimized prices. Try to find out what you can charge without losing money, but the customer should be able to order services easily.

It is okay to have slightly higher prices, but you'll fight for survival if they are more than your competitors. It would be best if you also decided on the discounts and offers to attract customers.


You must choose which platform to launch your app, Android or iOS, before proceeding with the development. You need first to check if your audience is more comfortable with Android or iOS.

Cross platform mobile app development will allow you to reach all users of different platforms. This will enable you to connect with all users of the forum.

Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy will also be crucial while developing an app similar to Thumbtack or a clone of Thumbtack. If you've created an app with passion and all its positive features, but the users need to learn about it, your efforts will be well-spent.

Create a blueprint for your marketing strategy to promote and market the app better than anyone else. This will give you a competitive edge.

Handyman Service App Like Thumbtack

Steps to Develop an App like Thumbtack in Easy Steps?

Steps necessary for developing an on-demand handyman app successfully.

Market Research and Analysis

Conducting extensive market research is the cornerstone of building a successful home service app. 

You must first identify your target audience's preferences and pain points before analyzing competitors such as Thumbtack to understand their strengths and weaknesses - this research can give invaluable insight that can be implemented into your Handyman app development strategy to provide you with a competitive advantage in app stores.

Determine Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your home service app requires an attractive USP that sets it apart to stand out in a competitive market. Determine what sets your app apart - such as innovative features, user-friendly navigation, competitive pricing strategies, or an exceptional approach to customer service - before embarking on development and marketing strategy efforts. 

A clearly outlined USP will help guide this process and improve marketing initiatives.

Choose Appropriate Features

To provide users and service providers a positive experience when using home service apps, key features to keep in mind include:

  • User Registration and Profiles: Enable users to easily register accounts and create profiles with personal details, preferences, and service history.
  • Service Listings: Create comprehensive service listings so users can search and select specific services as desired.
  • Search and Filters: Deploy an effective filter search mechanism so users can find service providers based on criteria like their location, rating score, and availability.
  • Booking and Scheduling: Provide an intuitive booking system that enables users to book appointments easily with confirmation notifications. 
  • In-App Messaging: In-app messaging capabilities facilitate communication between service providers and users.
  • Payment Gateway: Facilitate safe, seamless transactions using integrated payment gateways supporting various payment methods. 
  • Rating and Reviews System: To foster community trust and transparency.
  • Push Notifications: Keep users up-to-date about booking confirmations, service updates, and promotional activities by notifying them through push notifications of bookings made, service upgrades, or discounts offered.

Select an Appropriate Technology Stack

Selecting an appropriate technology stack is crucial to any app's success, considering factors like scalability, security, and user experience when making this selection. Popular choices for on-demand app development are: 

  • Frontend (React Native/Flutter)
  • Backends: Node.js and Django 
  • Database options such as MongoDB or MySQL may all work effectively together
  • Cloud Services: Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services 

Create an Attractive User-Interface

User experience (UX) and user interface design play an essential part in the success of any app. An appealing and simple UI ensures users can access required features without unnecessary complications - creating user satisfaction and encouraging retention with every purchase made through that app.

Build an Efficient Backend System

Your app's backend serves as its power source; strive to construct one with features like real-time data synchronization, analytics, and serverless architecture to optimize its performance and keep users coming back.

Implement a Secure Payment System

Security should always be at the heart of any on-demand service app, particularly when handling financial transactions. Integrate a reliable payment gateway that meets industry standards to protect user data while streamlining payment procedures to build trust among your user base and establish continuity in the payment process.

Integrate Geolocation Services

Geolocation services are essential in any Home Service App Like Thumbtack as they facilitate accurate service provider matching based on users' locations. Add GPS functionality so your users can track service providers live while monitoring them in real-time - this feature improves overall user experience while guaranteeing timely service delivery.

Must Read : Why Your Business Needs a Custom GPS Tracking App Benefits and Features

Testing and Quality Assurance

Before the release of your app, perform exhaustive tests to uncover and resolve any potential bugs or issues with it. Usability tests can ensure it's user-friendly, while security audits ensure users' data remains protected. Quality assurance is pivotal in creating reliable home service apps with superior functionality and user experiences.

Launch and Marketing

After your app has undergone rigorous testing, the next step should be its launch and marketing to the general public. Formulate a comprehensive marketing plan designed to raise public awareness while drawing users in through digital channels like social media or partnerships, use digital ads such as banner ads on websites, for example, Facebook, for this promotion. 

Finally, consider offering discounted prices, promotional deals, or discounts as incentives to encourage people to check it out and explore it further.

Solicit Feedback and Iterate

After the initial launch, seek user feedback to identify areas for enhancement and regularly make necessary alterations and tweaks. Engaging your user community ensures they trust you with their details, resulting in long-term success for both sides.

Expand and Scale

As your user base increases, scale your app to meet growing user demands and consider expanding services to cover a more comprehensive array of home-related tasks. Collaborate with additional service providers as you explore opportunities in new geographic markets - strategic scaling ensures sustained growth and relevance within this highly competitive home service market.

Handyman Service App Like Thumbtack

Key Features to Include while Developing a Home Service App Like Thumbtack

These are essential features for developing a Home Service App Like Thumbtack, emphasizing Handyman App Development services.

User-Friendly Registration and Onboarding:

A positive first impression of mobile apps is paramount, so make registration as painless as possible by offering registration through social media or email accounts, providing guidance through app functionality, and creating profiles quickly for them to use while encouraging exploration. Ultimately, this ensures an effortless transition into using the application while enabling users to explore its features.

Service Categories and Subcategories:

Thumbtack's success stems from its ability to offer various home services. Establish an effective categorization system covering everything from plumbing and electrical work, cleaning services, landscaping work, and subcategories, making finding specific services much more straightforward for users.

Geolocation Services and Real-Time Tracking:

Integrate geolocation services to enhance user experience. Allowing users to input their location or enable automatic detection is ideal, providing accurate service availability information for accurate service availability and transparency of service professionals' arrival/progress throughout their shift, thereby building user trust in the app itself.

Ratings and Reviews System:

Establish trust with users by including a ratings and reviews system in your service offering. Allow customers to rate service professionals they encounter while leaving feedback to create an open platform where reviews may attract new users while constructive criticism helps them improve their skills.

Secure In-App Payments:

Create a safe and user-friendly in-app payment system to facilitate transactions quickly and seamlessly. Include multiple payment options - credit/debit cards, digital wallets, or other popular ways. Be sure to install robust security measures to safeguard user data and financial details.

Also Read : Mobile Application Security Tips for App Developers

Advanced Search and Filters:

Create a smooth search experience by including advanced search features. Please use filters like location, availability, pricing, and rating so users can filter down their options and find the ideal service professional to fulfill their needs.

Booking and Scheduling:

Simplify the booking process by offering users an intuitive interface for scheduling services. Provide users access to a calendar feature to choose when best fits their schedule needs while sending reminders and notifications about upcoming appointments so all parties involved stay aware.

Instant Messaging and Communication:

Facilitate seamless interaction between service professionals and users by offering them an in-app messaging system to communicate, discuss details, ask questions, and clarify requirements before finalizing a service order. Real-time communication builds trust while making for smooth collaboration processes.

Profile Management for Service Professionals:

Empower service professionals by offering robust profile management tools. Allow them to demonstrate their experience, certifications, and past work experiences for users seeking their services. Implement an authentication procedure, so users have complete trust in these profiles as a source.

Push Notifications:

Push notifications that are personalized increase user engagement and encourage app usage.

Analytics and Reporting: 

Integrate analytics tools into your Home Service App Like Thumbtack to gain invaluable insight into user behaviors. Services used most often include app performance statistics and more. Use this data to make intelligent decisions to improve engagement among your user base while increasing efficiencies.

Loyalty Programs and Discounts:

Encourage user retention through rewards programs by offering exclusive deals or loyalty points for frequent app usage. Doing this retains existing users and can attract new ones, contributing significantly towards app success!


Setting out on the journey to develop a Home Service App Like Thumbtack requires an in-depth knowledge of handypersons and handyperson services in general. This essential guide has highlighted key aspects and steps for its successful creation.

User-centric design, robust functionality, and seamless user experience should be emphasized from conception to implementation.

Selecting one of the best Handyman App Development companies can be essential in making your vision come to fruition. A company with proven expertise and technical mastery will offer crucial guidance through all stages of app creation.

Market research, user preferences, and industry trends are vital ingredients for creating an innovative Home Service App that stands out.

Technology has completely revolutionized how we approach everyday tasks, and a well-crafted handyperson app can streamline and increase the efficiency of home services by featuring real-time tracking, secure payment gateways, and a user-friendly interface - elements that cater to both service providers and their consumers alike.


1. What Is A Home Service App Like Thumbtack?

A Home Service App Like Thumbtack provides users with easy access to local service professionals for various home-related needs, like plumbing and electrician work and cleaning needs. It simplifies finding skilled service professionals, such as plumbers, electricians, cleaners, etc, for faster hiring processes.

2. How Does Thumbtack Work For Home Services? 

Users can create job requests detailing what services they need in their area; then, service providers bid on these jobs until users select one that best meets their criteria and budget.

3. What services can I find on a Home Service App Like Thumbtack? 

HomeServiceApp.com can offer various home repairs, maintenance, and other related services such as cleaning, landscaping, plumbing, and electrical to fit every household need imaginable. It truly meets every one of your home-related demands!

4. Is It Safe To Use Home Service Apps Like Thumbtack? 

All reputable apps include safety measures to safeguard users and service professionals alike - this may consist of background checks on service providers, user reviews, and secure payment systems to guarantee both parties an enjoyable and safe experience.

5. How Can I Pay for Services on Thumbtack? 

Payment methods differ between apps; most offer secure online payment solutions like credit/debit cards, digital wallets, or other designated payment mechanisms for users to utilize within their app experience.

6. Can I Trust Reviews on Thumbtack for Home Services? 

Reviews on these platforms are reliable as they come from users who have hired and utilized these services. Pay special attention to reviews with detailed ratings to make informed decisions.

7. How Can Service Providers Become Verified on Home Service Apps Like Thumbtack? 

Service providers typically undergo an intensive verification process, including background checks, license verification, and other criteria to ensure they meet quality and trust criteria.

8. Can I schedule recurring services through Home Service Apps Such As Thumbtack? 

Many Home Service apps allow users to set recurring services based on their requirements - ideal for tasks such as regular house cleaning and lawn care services that need ongoing assistance.

9. Are there fees associated with Home Service Apps like Thumbtack?

Although downloading is usually free, service providers may pay fees or commissions on completed jobs; users could encounter service or subscription costs depending on each app's business model.

10. How Can I Join Thumbtack as a Service Provider?

To become a provider of home service apps like Thumbtack, you must register, complete a profile, and undergo verification - which typically involves providing licenses, certifications, or any relevant evidence of experience to showcase yourself effectively.