key benefits of a Flower Delivery Mobile App?

key benefits of a Flower Delivery Mobile App?

Flowers are the best things when it comes to showcasing love, affection, and care to your family, friends, and loved ones. People across the world, prefer to send fresh, aromatic & beautiful flowers/bouquets to their close ones as a present on their special days. Either via post or delivery. Every day is an occasion and opportunity if think on a broader scale. Therefore, sending flowers and bouquets is never going to be out of trend. Yes, the way of purchasing and ordering flowers can change, and we are witnessing this as well. With the advancements in technology, florists globally are making a shift of their business online either via a website or mobile app development. But the most convenient platform in this mobile dominating world is mobile apps and people can order their needs following a few taps on their smartphones.

If you are a flower shop owner, flower delivery shop owner, or a business enthusiast looking to venture into the flower delivery industry, you must consider developing a flower delivery mobile app solution to grow your business and take it to the newer heights of success with increased revenue.

The reason being the floral industry has a tremendous market and generated revenue of 31.3 billion USD in the year 2015, as reported by Statista. Other than this, alone in the U.S., the annual spending on floral products is around $26,600,000,000 and the requirements are thoroughly covered by around 530 wholesale florists over there. On average, per household spend on flowers in the US is around $62.63.

According to the IBIS's report, the online flower shops in the U.S. market are $5.3 billion which calculates a considerable percentage of the overall market size. The Bouqs app and Urbansteem are the popular on-demand flower delivery apps valued at $43.1M and $27.2M venture capital respectively.

 Therefore, developing flower delivery mobile app solutions is the right approach to earn a good chunk out of such a huge market value.

Other than this, there are several other benefits of creating a flower delivery mobile app, which we will discuss in this piece of content.

How Can You Find An On-demand App Development Company?

Benefits of Flower Delivery App Development

Let's focus on each benefit a flower shop owner or florist will experience with the development of an on-demand flower delivery app.

Provides ease to users

An on-demand flower delivery app solution enables users to get the delivery of their favorite flowers at their doorsteps on the very same day. Also, they can explore various gifting options for their close friends and family members at the last minute. Using these app solutions, users can surprise their loved ones by delivering fresh, natural flowers and different gift hampers at their location without even letting them know.

More orders to florists

The creation of an on-demand flower delivery mobile app leverages flower business owners to expand their customer base so that they can extend their business by reaching out to more customers at distant places and retaining the existing ones.

24*7 Availability

Theon-demand flower delivery apps are available 24*7 of the day which means users can order different flowers, bouquets, and gift options whenever they want.

 Easy Marketing & Promotions

Flower delivery apps enable easier marketing and promotion of your flower business. Since it can easily be connected with your social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To promote your application, you just need to post a link to the app download section on your profile. And it will easily be circulated in your entire circle and online social community.

If your customers get satisfied with your products and services, they can also share your link to app download in their circles. That eliminates the need for offline marketing and seeking preferences for footfalls on your florist shop.

Hassle-Free Payment Methods

You can integrate different safe and secure payment methods into your flower delivery app. It will help users to know about your preferred methods to get paid. Those will directly be linked to your business bank account through secure end-to-end payment gateways or to some wallet of yours.

Also, it will allow your customers to make payments for their purchases through the most convenient payment option for them. It could either be debit, credit cards, or any other online payment option. All in all, it creates a secure and hassle-free payment medium for both customers and business owners.

Low Maintenance of Physical Store

With an on-demand flower delivery app, the maintenance of the physical store reduces to a greater degree. Since you accept orders and payments against them, online. Also, the customers don't need to visit your physical store to order what they need. Therefore, it reduces the chances of any accidental damage, or wear and tear of your store décor while customers visit during rush hours.

Thus, it brings down your physical store maintenance costs as you don't require to spend a lot of time and money behind the decoration and waiting for the customers.

Less Investment at Start-Up

If you are planning to venture into the flower delivery business as a startup, focus on flower delivery app development, not on a well-furnished shop. As you need to simply deliver the orders on time and at exact locations. A simple warehouse would be enough to operate these services seamlessly. And no customer is going to hit your place if your services are perfect and punctual.

Consequently, the creation of flower delivery app solutions will surprisingly be the most cost-effective as compared to building a sophisticated flower shop. That's how setting up a start-up requires less investment if goes with on-demand app development as compared to establishing it physically.

Opportunity to Create Strong Bond

On-demand flower delivery app development provides business owners with an opportunity to access a huge customer base. Since digital tools are way proactive in marketing campaigns and reaching out to more people. With a flower delivery app solution, you can mark your business presence in front of a wide range of audiences’ way more effectively and quickly. This is enough if you want to make your e-store famous through a branding campaign.

The only thing you need to do is know the correct range and demographics of the customers you want to target. If you get to know by which channels, your target audience will connect to you. You are halfway done with the branding process.

Wrapping Up

These are a few of the benefits you are going to experience as a flower business owner with the creation of a flower delivery app solution. So, what are you waiting for? Kickstarts your on-demand flower delivery app development journey with an experienced flower delivery app development company. The one which has a track record of delivering world-class, feature-rich, cost-effective flower delivery app solutions to its esteemed clients worldwide.

Do your homework, before partnering with any on-demand flower delivery app development company for your flower delivery mobile app. Since the market is flooded with several mobile app development companies which claim to offer best-in-class, budget-friendly app solutions but the reality is something different.+

So, brainstorm and choose your technology partner accordingly to bring your flower delivery mobile app idea into reality.